Dear Fred, | George Weasley

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Part 2 of
'Dear Love, | Fred Weasley'

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Your POV

For the first time in five months, I'm speechless. I don't even know what to feel, should I be happy? Should I be sad? Numb? Angry?

My eyes scanned through every single word. Fred knew that I fancied George before him? I didn't expected this. He even wants us to be together?

Now I knew why George had been like this for the past five months. The way he comforts me, the way he understand my mood swings; even the part where he dyed his hair brown. The way he calls me love.

George loved me, ever since our first year. He love me. I never felt so guilty in my life. Not that I wasn't happy or in love with Fred; I do love Freddie with my whole heart. I'm guilty because Fred loves me more, to the point where he wanted George and I to be happy together.

I felt my cheeks were wet, I was crying. I didn't even noticed that tears spilled over my face. I was in shock. I forgot that George was in the room with me, when I felt he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I cried my lungs out, his shirt was soaking wet from my tears but it doesn't matter. He continued to stroke my hair and mumbles 'it's alright, just let it out.'

I was crying approximately for about an hour. When I stopped, we stayed in that position. I don't want to move or do something. It's like I'm back in day one again, where everything I see, I see him. But now it's different, he wants to let us go.

"I'll go down stairs and bring you some dinner, is that alright?" George asked, I nod. I don't seem to trust my voice right now.

He let go of me, and went down stairs. I just sat in Freddie's bed while clutching his letter on my chest.


It's been five years since my love became an angel. I can finally say I'm okay now. I knew Freddie wanted what makes me happy, and I did take his advice. A lot of things happened for the past five years.

After George gave me the letter, something on my chest has lifted. Like a heavy feeling was lifted. It took months to process the words but finally, finally I did it.

With the help of Georgie and his family, I manage to get my dream job at the Ministry. I manage to walk with my own feet again. It felt like I'm alive again. But, I still don't ignore the times where I miss Freddie. I always visit his grave and bring him flowers, I'll talk to him for hours; on how my day went.

George and I became closer than more we used to. Well, he's practically my husband now. Sometimes he even visits me at the Ministry with flowers and my favourite candy; chocolate frog. I do the same, when the Ministry is not that busy, I visit him at their joke shop.

We even go out for dinner sometimes. I also stayed at the Burrow, ever since Molly received the news that George and I were getting married, the woman bursted in tears. They were happy for the both of us; all of the Weasleys including Harry and Hermione.

Our marriage was held private. Only the Weasley's and some of our friends back at Hogwarts, of course we won't forget our infamous Lee Jordan who sobs even louder than Molly. Luna left out extra chairs at the ceremony; she claims that all of our friends that were now gone, including Fred were at the wedding; which made me sob even harder.

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