The New Student Pt. 1 | Draco Malfoy

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"Hey Y/N, have you finished the homework in Language Arts?" my friend, Clark asked.

"Yeah. I bet you didn't huh?"

"Can I—"

"It's in my bag,"

"You're amazing, you know that right?" he said, leaning towards me for a kiss on my cheek. I leaned back, placed my hand into his chest to make him stop. He pouted.

"Alright, you can go and get it now. No need to do that," I said and chuckled. Clark slowly shook his head and leaned back.

"One day, Y/N. One day."

Clark Williams has been my friend since we started middle school, now we're seniors. Since he's basically the only one I ever talk to. Clark has a lot of friends and he even got this mini fandom of girls who were practically drooling at him, but he never showed interest to them. He only show interest to one specific person, which was me. I mean, he's nice and handsome; his blue eyes and messy brunette locks, 5'9 height and perfect tan skin. He likes to read books and he's actually smart, but I never see him in that way.

Well, enough of that.

I made my way towards my locker to get my books for Social Studies. I was just about to unlock my locker when someone tapped me on my left shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and saw a tall, blonde boy staring at me. He looked lost.

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked.

"I—uhm, do you know where is the classroom for this—uh, Social Studies?" he asked. He must be a transferee, because I never seen someone in this school that looked so handsome.

Wait, what?

"The longer you stare, I might actually melt." he chuckled, I didn't even noticed that I was staring at him.

"Oh! I also have Social Studies, do you want to walk with me?" I asked.

"Yeah, that would be great."

I nodded and tried to process what just happened. This mysterious boy was wearing a plain black hoodie, but I can see a white tshirt peeking through his collar, jeans, and an all white low-cut air force ones. I saw his large veiny hands go through his platinum-blonde locks... okay, hear me out, HE. WEARS. SILVER. RINGS. Oh my God.

I also noticed of how his skin was so pale. Like does he even know the sun? But his pointed nose, sharp jawline, long lashes, and silver eyes. Silver. He's so gorgeous.

"Oh, here's the classroom." I said as we both entered at the same time. All eyes were on him, especially the girls.

"Thank you," he smiled. Fuck.

"Yeah, no problem. I'll see you later," I mirrored his smile and made my way towards my assigned seat. My eyes seem to follow wherever he went, he seated at the left corner from the back.

The boys were looking at him with daggers in their eyes. Probably mad because someone stole their spotlight from the girls. Meanwhile, the girls were giggling and trying to fix themselves. Blondie was looking through the book, I forgot to ask his name. How stupid of me.

"Hey," Clark greeted me as he seated in front of my desk.

"Hey," I smiled.

"You know him?" he asked while nodding his head towards the blonde boy.

"Uhm.. kind of,"

"Kind of?"

"Well he asked me where Social Studies is, so we kinda walked together on our way here," He didn't even get to answer when our Professor barged in the classroom.

"Okay class, we have a new student today," Mr. Pendelton said, while nodding towards him. He motioned blondie to come forward, which the boy did, "Please introduce yourself."

The girls were giving him heart eyes while the boys scoffed at the girls.

Blondie made eye contact with me and smiled, "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. Pleasure to meet you all," he finished off his sentence with a charming smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy, you may take your seat."

I followed his gaze as he went back to his desk. I snapped my head in front of my desk when Clark snapped his fingers in front of me.

"You like him, don't you?"

"What?! No!"

"Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Williams, care to join us with the lesson today?"

"Sorry sir," we both said in unison. Clark's jaw clenched, the jealousy was radiating off his body. I pay no mind on Clark and focused on the lesson.

After what seems like forever, Mr. Pendelton dismissed us. I saw Clark waiting for me, since we go to lunch together. I was collecting all of my stuff when I heard someone clear it's throat. I was welcomed by the blonde locks.

"Hey," Draco said.

"Hi Draco," I said, Clark nudged me in my sides, I rolled my eyes at him and smiled at the blonde boy. "Draco this is Clark Williams, my best friend."

"Nice to meet you," Draco started, while giving Clark a handshake. His silver eyes snapped into me, "I forgot to ask your name." he nervously laughed.

I chuckled, "Y/N,"

"Say Y/N, can I have lunch with you? I'm kinda new to this muggle thing."

"Muggle?" Clark asked. I was also confused.

"I mean, to this new transferring thing. Yeah... yeah that, let's go?"

"Yeah sure.." I slowly nodded, "Let me tour you around while we head for the canteen?"

"That would be great.." he finished off his sentence with a smirk. Damn, okay he's cute.

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