You're Safe with Me | Charlie Weasley

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⚠️ Content Warning ⚠️
abusive and toxic boyfriend

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I was working in a nearby cafe in Hogsmeade as a cashier. I always have the same ginger customer, Charlie. He always come here with his girlfriend.

But today he came here by himself.

"May I take your— oh hey, Charles," I smiled at him, "I'm assuming you'll order the usual?"

"You know me too well, Y/N,"

I chuckled, "Come, I'll give you a seat," I led him to the table nearby a window, "I'll be here with your order in a minute."

I went back to the counter and made his tea, just how he liked it. I came back to give him the tea. I'm about to leave him when he called me.

"How are you, Y/N?" he asked,

"Oh, fine. How's Romania?"

"Still the same. Are you still with him?"

I ran out of words. I knew who he was talking about, my abusive boyfriend. I tend to hide the new bruise on my forearm but Charlie was quick enough to see it, he gave me a look, "Why don't you leave him? He's clearly abusing you ever since!"

"Charlie, please. We talked about this," I pleaded, "Look I need to get back to work. Nice seeing you again, Weasley." and with that, I continued working.

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"I'm home," I announced. I was living with Nathan in his apartment, that is why I can't leave him. With my job right now, I wouldn't be able to buy myself an apartment.

"Good, now cook me some dinner. I'm starving,"

I obliged and made him a dinner. Sometimes I just didn't want to argue with him to prevent new bruises. After I finished, I served his dinner.

"You're not joining me?" he asked. I startled at his voice.

"Oh, erm.. I thought you didn't want me to join, also I'm not that hungry—"

I was cut off by the plate smashing. The dinner that I just made were now all over the floor, I stared at Nathan, his breathing was ragged.

"What are you looking at?! Pick those up before I shove them in your fucking mouth!"

As soon as he started yelling, I obliged without second thoughts. I cleaned the shattered plate and the dinner that I had just made. Nathan was still standing in front of me, staring at me.

"You're with that Weasley again, huh?"


"Oh don't act like you're innocent, Y/N! You're a fucking whore! And you know what you deserve? You deserve to be punished."

He grabbed my hair and pulled it, motioning for me to stand up which I did. He grabbed a piece of the shattered plate and let go of my hair, grabbing my forearm instead. The sharp edge of the plate was pressed against my forearm, I felt blood dripping from it. I was screaming from pain, telling him to stop but he won't budge. He was scraping some letters on my forearm. The letters spelled,




After that, he reluctantly let me go. Nathan spit on my face, and left me alone in the apartment.

Deep shade of red was dripping from my arm. The wound was deep enough to see my flesh. Tears started to fall out of my face while I tried to stop the blood from flowing. I didn't have my wand to heal it because Nathan broke it a few months ago.

- - -

The next few days came by slow. Same thing happens every single time. Charlie would come to the cafe often, but for all those time he came to visit he was always alone.

Today, he came by again and ordered his usual.

"Here's your tea. Enjoy,"

"What happened to your arm?" he grabbed my arm, I yelp out of pain. The wounds were still red and sensitive.

"He did this to you?"


"That's it. You're coming home with me."

"But I— what about your girlfriend?"

"I don't have one,"

I was about to say something when he cut me off, "No more questions. You'll come by to your apartment, gather your things and we'll go home."

"I don't.. know,"

"What do you mean? I can't help seeing you hurt like this, Y/N. Please for once listen to me,"

"Charlie.. I'm sorry," tears were now rolling off my eyes, he held me tight in his chest. I cried, with all of the things I've been through, I never felt this safe in his arms.

He softly grabbed my chin, I saw his lips parted and his eyes were staring at my lips. He did what I wanted, he closed the gap between us. His lips moving in sync with mine. Eventually, he pulled away so fast for my liking.

"Come on, let's get you home, love."

We apparated into the apartment. Nathan was sitting in the living room, watching some in muggle television. He saw me coming, I didn't acknowledge his presence as I went straight towards our shared bedroom and packed my stuffs.

I heard some yelling, Nathan. The door in the bedroom opened, revealing a furious Nathan.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"I'm leaving,"

"You're leaving with that fucking Weasley huh? I fucking knew it!"

"COULD YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" I shouted, his eyes darkened. He made his way towards me but a hand gripped his shoulders making him turn around, a fist collided with his face, making him stumble back. Charlie grabbed me and my trunk, he looked at Nathan who's face was now covered in blood.

"Be thankful that I didn't beat the shit out of you, fucking twat!" Charlie spat, he held my waist and disapparted.

My feet landed on a wooden floor, I stumbled back but a firm arm held me tight. I sobbed on Charlie's chest, he started stroking my hair.

"Thank you, Charlie."

"It's okay now, love. You're safe with me."

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