two ; Draco Malfoy

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It's rare that the team Slytherin would win against the Gryffindor during Quidditch match but when we do, we party hard like a Slytherin would. It's our way to congratulate our Quidditch team for winning.

It's not a Slytherin party when alcoholic drinks aren't present. There are several alcoholic drinks on the table and snacks. Disco lights and makeshift dance floor in the middle of the common area. Sweaty teenagers making out through the loud music and dancing on the makeshift dance floor. Some are even smoking a pot or just enjoying their firewhiskey and cheap vodka.

In the middle of madness I sat on the empty stool next to the bar and enjoying my second bottle of firewhiskey for the night. I thought why not have the time of my life? Since the O.W.L.s just finished, I wanted to treat myself on getting drunk tonight.

I roam my eyes around the dark emerald green room with different lights flashing through. I was distracted enough not to notice the empty stool next to me being occupied, not until the intruder cleared its throat. I snap my head towards the noise, making my eyes widen slightly at the sight in front of me.

I stare at him and his sharp features for what it feels like a minute, not really knowing why he was sitting here next to me. Could he possibly not notice that I'm the quiet girl in Hogwarts?

"It's rude to see a pretty girl like you in a party, sitting all alone."

His voice is so deep that caused shivers down on my spine just by hearing him speak. And he called me pretty girl, did I already drank that much firewhiskey?

Am I already drunk?

Or dreaming?

Maybe he's the one who's drunk. Because for all I know, Draco Malfoy doesn't call girls pretty when they aren't shagging. He doesn't flirt unless he wanted them on their knees for him. Is that what he thinks that I'll go on my knees for him? Hence, the flirting?

Play nicely, Ara.

"I believe I don't know your name, doll." He says casually with a mischievous smirk on his pretty lips, "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Draco Malfoy outstretch his veiny hand for me to take. His fingers were filled with different type of rings that for once, I found that it suits him.

"I know who you are, Malfoy." I take his large hand with my smaller one, creating something like sparks from his skin on mine, "Arabella Laurier, but people usually call me Ara and I prefer if you'd call me that or Laurier." I say with a smile.

"I don't know. . .Bella suits you more. Don't you think, doll?"

"Mm. No one actually calls me Bella," I shrug my shoulders then took another swig of my drink while maintaining the eye contact with him, "But, whatever helps you sleep at night, Dray." His eyebrows quirked up. I must say, Draco looked quite amused.

He glares at me playfully, "I forbid you to call me that awful nickname you just came up with, Bella."

"Any preferences?" I grin. Draco grins back at me, but his eyes suddenly looked darker. His grey eyes flickered between mine then my lips, lingering more on my lips causing him to suddenly wet his.

I think I clenched my thighs at the sight.

"I like my first name." He finally says, looking back at my eyes before breaking the eye contact as he took another swig from his bottle.


Draco hums in satisfaction. His thumb and finger grabs my chin, making me look straight into his eyes as his thumb glides across my bottom lip, slowly. His voice dropped, "Now I like it even more when it slips from your pretty mouth."

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