Expelliarmus | Harry Potter

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Ever since Umbitch set foot in Hogwarts, my life became living hell. Seriously though, who would such create those stupid rules?

She doesn't even teach us how to defend ourselves. What would we do if we encounter some of the Death Eaters? Invite them to have a fucking tea with me? Clearly, not.

Hermione Granger being the brightest witch of our age, came up with a plan of teaching how to defend ourselves with the help of Harry Potter himself. Which I was nervous to attend when she mentioned Harry. The things is, I may or may not have fancied him since our second year..

I was making my way to the Great Hall to eat breakfast when Harry called me.

"Y/N!" Harry smiled at me.

"What can I help you with, Harry?" I politely asked and gave him a small smile too.

"We found a place to for our lessons later,"

"Really? Where?" I asked again, I can't focus when his eyes were beaming from excitement.

"Room of Requirement,"

"Room of what now?"

"Requirement. If you don't know where to go, meet me at the sixth floor before the dinner starts so we can go there together?"

Wow my heart starts to beat so fast, of course I wouldn't turn down the opportunity so I gladly accepted his offer.

"Brilliant.. I guess I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, I'll see you, Harry."

- - -

After my classes, I made my way to the sixth floor to meet up with Harry. I waited him for about 5 minutes, but when he came he was not alone. He's with the Ravenclaw, Cho Chang.

I smiled at Harry and Chang as we made our way to the Room of Requirement.

The wall started to form a wooden door. I guess this is the Room of Requirement. Harry opened the door and signalled us to enter before him.

The room has mirror walls and in the middle there were three practice dummy's. We picked a leader, which is Harry for some obvious reasons.

Since Harry was the leader, we started to practice some basic spells like Expelliarmus, the disarming charm, also known as Harry Potter's favourite spell. I paired with George, since him and Fred wouldn't focus.

I tried to disarm George but for some reason, his wand didn't flew out of his hand.

"Is everything alright?" Harry asked.

"Seems like Y/N needs some tutoring here, Harry. She can't disarm me,"

I lowered my head trying to hide my face from embarrassment, "Hey, hey, it's alright if you can't do it. I'll teach you, here,"

Harry showed me the motion of the wand by holding my hand while his front facing my back, his hard chest hitting my back. He's quite taller than me, so I can feel his unsteady breaths behind the nape of my neck. If I can feel his breath, which mean he's that close to me..

I tried not to stiffen my body but my cheeks were flushed. I tried to hide my face but George Weasley thought it was nice to notice my red cheeks.

"Y/N, Harry, you two are blushing,"

"No- I'm not," we both said at the same time, I turned my head around to see that Harry was already staring at me with his cheeks, flushed in red.

"I-uh, I think I know how to use the spell, Harry," I awkwardly pulled away from his touch and gave him an awkward smile.

"Brilliant," he said and left.

"You fancy him, don't you?" I startled on George's voice, "Seems like he fancy you too,"

I playfully smacked him on his head despite his height, he started to laugh and continued to teach me how to disarm him. In the corner of my eye, I saw Harry smiling at us, while Chang was sending me a death glare. What the fuck is her problem?

After playfully duelling George, the lessons ended. Students started to leave while I went to the back to fetch my bag. I thought I was alone when I heard the door closed, but when I turned around, I saw Harry standing a foot in front of me.

"Can I help you, Harry?"

He fixed his glasses that was starting to fall off his nose and took a few steps forward, "I'm sorry about earlier, did I make you feel uncomfortable?"

"What? No Harry, you didn't. I was quite enjoying your company if I'm being honest,"


"Yeah, really," I looked up to his green eyes, it's so easy to get lost in them. I was so lost in his eyes that I didn't noticed that our face were inches away. His hand made it's way to my cheek and started to stroke it gently, while his eyes still locked with mine.

"Then let's not lie to ourselves anymore," he said.

"What does that mean, Harry?" his eyes darkened and started to flicker between my eyes and lips, his hand were now cupping my jaw as he started to lean closer. His lips ghosted with mine, our nose were touching, "It means this,"

His lips were now in mine as we moved in sync like our lips were made for each other. Butterflies in my stomach went wild, my heart was beating so fast, but then my body seemed to relaxed in his touch. I closed my eyes and started to feel warm against his touch. I didn't want to end this moment with him, I don't now when will I be able to do it again.

After the kiss or make-out sesh with the chosen one, his forehead resting against mine, our breathing were still unsteady as we looked at each other's eyes, "You don't know how much I wanted to do that every single time I see you," he said.

"Then let's do it more often," I smirked and gave him another soft kiss on his lips, "Does this means..?"

"This means that you're mine, Y/N."

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