three ; Ron Weasley

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I breath in the fresh air, smiling widely as I soak in the sight in front of me. The sky is bluer than usual and the grass seem greener. The hot summer breeze and the slight burn on my skin makes me feel like I'm home.

I love Summer.

Especially when I spend it at the Burrow with my favorite people.

After I got sorted into Gryffindor, I befriended Harry Potter. We became insuperable which resulted of being friends with the Golden Trio; Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

I, once suspected that our dear friend Ron had a crush on Hermione. The way he looks at her; like she's the only girl he'd ever see. His eyes twinkle, like how the stars would stare down at you during a calm night. Though, there's no denying that the bushy haired girl is beautiful and smart. I can see why my redheaded friend is head over heels for her.

Not until that one night.

"Prim!" I heard Ginny Weasley scream at the top of her lungs, her voice filled with excitement as she pushed past through the living area to embrace me, "You're finally here!"

I laugh at her excitement and hugged her back, "Missed me that much, Gin?" We both pull away from the hug and I can see her rolling her blue eyes, just like I expected her to.

Classic Ginevra.

"Of course I did, Prim." Ginny states with a hand on her hip, "I don't think I'll survive another day with these doofus—"

"Oi, Rosie!" A deep voice cuts off Ginny, then arms wrapped around my waist and I was suddenly lifted off the wooden floor, causing me to squeal.

I laugh when another familiar redhead comes into my view, "Hey, Georgie and Freddie."

George gives my forehead a peck as Fred's embrace tighten around me, nearly suffocating me with his bear hugs. I greeted the rest of the Weasleys before settling my stuff in Ginny's room, where I'll be sleeping for the rest of the Summer break.

"Where's Ron?" I asked George when I realize his youngest brother was nowhere to be seen amongst the sea of redheads.

George plays with my hair as we sat on the couch, watching Fred and Bill play Wizard's chess. Ginny was busy helping her mother—Molly Weasley—in the kitchen.

Bill shrugs as he pushes another pawn, "Went out to see Harry."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "But. . .Harry plans on coming here tomorrow. . ?"

"Yeah," Fred lands his eyes on me, "His other reason was that he needs a change of scenery."

I snorted.

I talked to George for awhile before Molly calls us out for dinner. Surprisingly, Ron hasn't come home yet. Making me wonder. . .was he really with Harry or doing things with Hermione?

Guess I'll never know.

"Good morning, Molly," I smiled down at the plumped redheaded woman that I see as my second mother, "Do you need help setting up the plates?"

Molly Weasley smiles brightly and warm at me, waving her hands as she sends me out of the kitchen, "I got it, sweetheart." She says as her hands were back on the breakfast that she was cooking, "But please, do me a favor, Prim?"


"Please, go wake up the boys. Tell them to get up, or they'll be cooking their own meal from now on."

I laugh and nodded. But before I could even step out of the kitchen, I stopped my tracks as my eyes fell on a familiar redhead.

He had gotten taller, manlier than the last time I saw him. He even got stubble across his fine jawline, making me want to pepper him kisses. His hair bright red as ever. I can still feel how soft his hair is on my fingertips. His blue eyes staring back at me. The same way he stared down at me while he thrusts—

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