Dinner is Ready! | George Weasley

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I've been dreading the summer that I had spent mostly inside my room, reading. Since my Mum wouldn't let me out, I was banned from leaving the house without her permission.

Ever since the day Voldemort has returned, Mother had become a paranoid.

Well, I couldn't blame her. But sometimes it's too much and I'm growing tired of it, I'm also seventeen and I can do magic outside Hogwarts.

And I miss my boyfriend.

"Victoria, you have a visitor," my Mum announced at the end of the stairs. I don't know who my visitor is, but I clearly remembered that Mum made me pack all of my stuffs that I'll be bringing back to Hogwarts.

"Coming," I replied.

I fled out of my room and descended down the stairs, and saw Uncle Severus.

"Uncle Seve!" I grinned and tackled him into a embrace, which he hesitantly returned, "Hello, Tori."

"What brings you here?"

"I'll be sending you off to the headquarters,"

"What— headquarters?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Your mother didn't tell you?" I shook my head no, "The Order of the Phoenix, is the army that Headmaster Dumbledore made to defeat You-Know-Who. The headquarters is in the 12 Grimmauld Place,"

"You'll be taking me there? Is mum a member of the Order of the what now?"

"The Phoenix, and yes she is. I'm assuming you packed your things already?" I nodded, and suddenly Mother came into the view.

"You'll understand once you got there sweetie," I sighed in defeat and wrapped my arms around her figure, hugging her tightly, "I'll miss you, my Tori. Write to me everyday, alright?"

I nodded, "I love you, mum,"

"Love you too, sweetheart,"


I hate apparation. It makes me dizzy and nauseous, all the single time. But luckily I didn't vomited this time.

This building came out of nowhere, it looks old and rusty for my liking, but it's better than being in my room all the time.

Uncle Severus left me without another word. The door was opened ajar, so I peeked my head and saw a dark hallway, I quickly entered, locked the door, and left my trunk beside the door. I was beginning to worry that I was alone until I heard familiar voices shouting in the near end of the hallway.

"The stove doesn't even work! How will we cook our meals then?!" that voice belongs to the one and only Molly Weasley.

"I don't know, it's not like I have been living here for the past 12 years!" Sirius Black. I chuckled and made my way to the voices.

I opened the door, and got indulged with tight hugs from Molly. The short redhead woman didn't even let me breathe, "Oh, Victoria! I've missed you, sweetheart,"

I rubbed her back, "I've missed you too, Molly. Especially your cooking,"

"Oh you don't have to flatter me, sweetheart. Speaking of cooking I need to think of a way how to get this stove working," she said and pulled away from the hug, giving me last one sweet smile.

"Hey Tori," Sirius greeted me with a wink, "Hi Sirius, how are you doing?" I asked while making my way towards him and gave Sirius a hug, which he gladly returned.

Sirius pulled away, "Blah, same old. You?"

"Same," I smiled as I pulled away too, I notice that my favourite redheads aren't in the room, "Is the twins here?" I asked Molly.

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