Triwizard Champion | Cedric Diggory

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After the first task, my mind wouldn't stop worrying about my boyfriend; Cedric. I support and understand him, but that doesn't stop me from worrying. I know he entered this tournament because he wants his father to be proud of him.

It's been a week since the last task was held, we haven't figured anything about this damn egg. Cedric goes to the library almost everyday; still no luck until now.

Cedric goes through a lot right now, but he still manage to have alone time with me. Whenever he's with me, he won't talk about the tournament.

We're like normal teenagers again. But I couldn't help not to talk about it sometimes, I just want to help him.

Sometimes him being a Triwizard Champion is annoying. All of these girls would flirt around him, even though they knew that I am his girlfriend, they pay no mind about me. Luckily Cedric was sorted into Hufflepuff, he's loyal. Which makes me love him more.

- - -

The second task is almost approaching. With all the Yule Ball stuffs, Cedric and I forgot about the second task, we got carried away by the ball.

I was on my way to the Hufflepuff's Common Room when someone grabbed me by my arm.

"What the fu- Cedric? What's wrong?" he looked dreadful but managed to smile, "What? Can't I just miss my girlfriend?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"But we're just together a couple of hours ago.", "But that felt like forever, love." he whined and fake pouted, I chuckled while wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him for a kiss.

Kissing Cedric felt magical, he never failed to make the butterflies on my stomach go crazy.

I pulled away and looked at him in his beautiful eyes; he rested his forehead on mine. "Any clue?" I asked. He shrugged before leaning his forehead away from mine, "Nothing."

"That's fine, I know you will find it out soon." I gave him a peck on his cheek. He smiled back, but it faded right away. "What if I didn't?", "Hey, you're the Cedric Diggory. I know you will, love." I felt kinda bad, he looks so tired. I wanted to make something for him that would make him happy. I looked away; thinking about what I could do.

Then something came up with my mind; "How about we take a nice long bath in the Prefect's bathroom?" his eyes darkened and he smirked, I knew this is going to work, I mumbled in my thoughts.

"Sure babe, I'll come pick you up at the Common Room after dinner." he leaned down to give me a quick kiss.

"See you."

- - -

After dinner I immediately got up and went straight to the Common Room.

I mumbled the password, as the door opened my eyes saw a familiar face, smiling at me.

"Let's go?" he said while his arm wrapped around my waist while the other holds the egg. I nodded and we went out of the Common Room.

After a long walk, we finally reached the Prefect's bathroom. Luckily, no one was there; we have it for ourselves.

With a flick of Cedric's wand, our clothes were now on the floor, leaving us both naked.

"You're so beautiful." he said, his eyes darkened while eyeing up my whole body.

I rolled my eyes at him but I still manage to give him a small smile. I grabbed his hands and led him towards the big tub, sort of like a pool.

The warm water made contact with my skin, sending some goosebumps all over me.

Then it clicked me, "You have the egg right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Try to open it under the water."

He raised one of his eyebrow while his hand reached for the egg, and followed my instructions. And there it was; the clue.

Cedric couldn't believe his own eyes, his smile reached his ears. I looked at him and gave him a wink, "Told you."

"You're the best fucking girlfriend any man could ask for."

"Well damn right, you're lucky I'm yours."

"Bloody hell, I am." he pulled my close and smashed his lips on mine. His hands were roaming around my naked body, sending shivers down my spine.

Lust is taking over our bodies. It's been a while since the last one. We deserve this.

"C-cedric." I moaned his name against his ears while he left soft kisses on my jaw and neck.


"Fuck me, please." I felt his lips turned into smirk, this boy will be the death of me.

"I thought you'd never ask." sine we're both already naked, I straddle him on his lap while he teasingly touch his tip on my entrance.

"Stop being such a tea- fuck!" he cut me off by slowly entering my heat, letting me adjust with his length.

He started thrusting in and out of me, making me scream in pleasure.

"Did you miss my dick, sweetheart?" I nodded, words won't come out of my mouth as I arched my back, his bare chest hitting mine, making my eyes roll back.

The sounds of the water around us and Cedric's moan made me reach my high.

"Fuck, Cedric that feels so good."

"Because your pussy is taking my dick so well."

I felt my walls tightened around his length. "Are you about so cum?" I nodded, not really wanting to talk.

"Then fucking cum for me." after those words fell from his mouth, I came. I felt his length twitching inside me, I know he's about to come too.

"Fill me up with your cum, please." I begged, I know how he loves it when I beg for his cum.

"Bloody hell. Fuck, Y/N." with one last hard thrust, he came inside me. His hot liquid swimming around my heat.

He pulled his length out and he let his head rest on the crook of my neck.

I kissed the side of his head while we both try to steady our breathing.

He leaned and left soft kisses on my neck, I felt his breath on my neck, making me shiver again.

"I forgot how that felt, it was fucking good. Let's do that more often." we both manage to let out a breathless chuckle,

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

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