Three Gingers | Ron Weasley

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O.W.L.s makes my head hurt so much. I've been studying in the common room for hours, I bet you that I look like a fucking corpse right now.

"Ah, there's my beautiful girlfriend," I felt a small peck behind the nape of my neck, making me shiver, "You studying again, babe?"

"Of course, Ronald. Incase you didn't know, we have tests tomorrow,"

"Come on, you've been studying for a whole week now. Loosen up a bit and give me some love and affection,"

"I can't 'loosen up' Ron, I might fail!"

He shook his head and gave me a kiss on the top of my head, "I swear you'll pass, bloody hell you're smarter than you think. Now come here and love me,"

Before I could even protest, he grabbed my forearm and led me towards the couch. He made me sat on his lap. My head resting on the crook of his neck as I snuggled up close to him, his hand stroking my back gently while we watched the dancing flames in the fireplace.

A comforting silence crept among us, I felt my body relaxed from his touch. He chuckled when he noticed that my eyelids are getting heavy, "See?" he said, "There's nothing wrong if you'll rest for a bit,"

I nodded and yawned, "Yeah, this is.. nice,"

"Go to sleep, love," and I didn't have to be told twice as I drifted off to sleep.

After a few hours, I'm already awake but my eyelids were still closed, as I hear my boyfriend humming while stroking my hair. He hadn't moved since I slept, I wonder if his body was sore from my weight.

"I'm so lucky..." I heard him whispered. Ron thought I was still asleep,

"So bloody lucky to have you in my life," he was looking at me, his eyes filled with love as he looked at me, a smile crept on his face. He started to caress my cheek in a soft manner.

"Who would've thought that you'd end up with a Weasley," he started, "I remember back then when we both hate each other so much. You hate me because of my eating manners, but deep inside I knew you like me. Now look at us, snuggled up with each other. I'm lucky enough to have you as my girlfriend, well, maybe years from now you would be my wife, and we'll buy a flat in London, then three red-heads will be running around it. Mrs. Y/N Weasley, got a nice ring to it, right?"

"It does,"

He startled when he heard my voice, I chuckled as I stared at him and kissed his cheeks, "Merlin's beard, you scared me!"

"You're so cute, do you always do that whenever I'm asleep?"

"Did you heard...?"

"All of it," I said and gave him a wink, "So, you want three kids?"

"I-uh, of course!"

"Ronald, I'm not a baby making machine!"

He chuckled but then his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What's a machine?"

I shook my head and giggled, "And they were all red-heads you say?"

"Uhm, I guess so. But I'm sure they'll love my hair better than yours-"

"That's rubbish!" I gasped, he laughed again and gave me a kiss on my lips but I pulled away, "You don't get to kiss me, Weaselbee,"

"I'm only joking babe, of course they'll love yours!"

I rolled my eyes and dropped my head on his shoulders, his hands wrapped around my body tightly as he snuggled his head on top of mine, "I'm lucky to have you, Ronald Weasley."

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