Teacher's Pet | Remus Lupin

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A/N: Let's pretend that Remus Lupin was the teacher of DADA during Goblet of Fire, and the characters including Y/N were 18 years old for the sake of this story. ;)

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"I heard that there's a new teacher in DADA," Ron mumbled while we're on our way to the DADA's classroom. "I reckon he wouldn't last a year."

"Yeah, is it just us who notices that we have different teachers in DADA every single year?" I said clutching my books secure to my chest. I nudge Hermione in her arm, "Every single time 'Mione. Do you ever stop reading?"

Ron and Harry laughed at my comment, while Hermione gave us a death glare before going back to reading.

After a lot of laughing and teasing with Harry and Ron, we eventually reached the classroom.

I sat next to Harry, while Ron and Hermione were awkwardly sitting in front of us.

"I hope he doesn't act or even look like Lockhart, man I'll be dropping DADA by then." I whispered at Harry, making him laugh.

The door slammed open and it revealed the new Professor.

Damn, he's cute. I told myself, a smirk plastered on my face while looking at the Professor. I didn't even noticed that he was already talking until Harry nudged my arm.

"What?" I snapped.

"I think this might be the best teacher we had in DADA,"

I smiled at his words, "Hopefully."

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It's final. I think I might have a little bit of crush on Professor Lupin.

I just can't help the way his scars on his face makes him ten times more handsome and every time our eyes met, he sends me a wink. I can't help but blush and fiddle my fingers around my cloak.

I didn't like the DADA not until he became the teacher. Harry, Ron, and even Hermione noticed that I'm paying extra attention to the subject.

"Miss Y/L/N, are you still with us?"

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him call me by my last name. I looked around to see that everyone was staring at me, including the Golden Trio.

"Yes P-professor." I muttered.

He gave me a nod and continued discussing about bogarts. I tried to pay attention this time, but it seems hard to.

Apparently Professor Lupin ended the lesson when it was Harry's turn. The wind turned cold when I saw the dementor. I was heading my way out when he called me.

"Miss Y/L/N, a word?" I gulped and turned my body to face him, he's smiling which makes my breath hitch.

"You go on without me," I told the trio. They nodded and headed out to have lunch in the Great Hall.

"Is there a problem, Professor?"

He nodded, "You seem distracted earlier during our lesson, may I ask what's more interesting than a bogart?"

I felt my heart race increased as I began to fiddle with my fingers, I look down nervously, "Y-you."

"Come again?"

"You, sir."

"What does that mean, Y/N?" I felt another explosion of butterflies in my stomach when I heard my name slip out of his mouth. Shivers went down my spine as I felt something wet. He just called me by my first name, bloody hell.

I gathered all my confidence and say, "You're the one who's distracting me, Professor. The way your eyes twinkle when you discuss about something, the way you wink at me. And don't forget about those fucking damn scar-"

"Language, Miss Y/L/N, you've been a bad girl lately... and bad girls deserves to be punished." he cut me off, then he started walking towards me.

He's now standing in front of me, inches away. I didn't move but I looked up because he was taller than me, he's smirking down at me. "What kind of punishment, Professor?"

With a swift of his wand, the doors and windows are now closed. My nervousness was replaced by excitement.


Still looking straight on his eyes, I smirked and started to remove all of my clothing.

I am now naked in front of my teacher. Great.

"Accio, Chair." the chair was now behind me, "Sit."

I obliged, he sat on the desk. His eyes roaming around my body, I can feel my heart beating in a fast pace and my cheeks burning.

"Spread your legs." and I did, spreading my legs as wide as I can. I can feel my heat soaking wet, my face flustered but I didn't bother because he looks do damn hot. "Touch yourself."

I bit my lip when my forefinger was on my clit, my head falls and eyes rolled back.

"Insert two fingers." as my fingers shoved inside me, I let out a animalistic moan. He carefully cast a silencing charm around the room. "Now, thrust your finger in and out, slowly."

"F-fuck," I moaned as I looked up to see his member begging to be touched.

He smirked when he saw me looking at his member, with a swift motion of his wand his pants and boxers where now gone, his hard member finally out.

My eyes widened when I saw his length, "Look what you did to your Professor, Y/N."

He started palming his length and moaned, I felt my walls tightened when I heard him groaned. I start thrusting my fingers in and out of me with a fast pace.

"I-I'm close." I said while catching my breath between words.

I look at him and saw his head falls back. He looks so fucking hot. "Then be a good teacher's pet and cum for your Professor."

And I came without being told twice, I let out another breathless moan as I came.

"Fuck, Y/N," I saw him cum, fuck.

I let my head fall back as my mind can't seem to process what just happened. I felt someone cupped my face to make me look at them; my eyes met his.

His lips crashed with mine, his tongue begging to explore my mouth as I happily accepted it and kissed him passionately.

He groaned and pulled away, "Good girl."

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A/N: I apologise in advance if this chapter made you uncomfortable.

Also, I was planning to write a love-triangle between Draco, Cedric and an OC of mine. Should I? :)

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