Dear Love, | Fred Weasley

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It's been five months since the war ended. Five months since Harry Potter killed Voldemort. Five months filled with tears. Five months with such freedom.

Five months since my love died.

In those five months, I live my life the same since Fred died.

I always wake up in the morning feeling numb, not even bothering to know what day it is. Before I start my day, I always end up sitting in his bed; since Molly insists that I should stay with them.

I always wear his big shirts, it always gives me a warm feeling whenever I wear them. Like a big bear hug from him.

Nightmare always haunts me in the middle of the night and I always find myself sweating and sobbing, for the past five months I've been like that.

George will always come and comfort me, we shared the same room whilst I sleep in Fred's bed. I know George suffers the most; but I just feel so tired, I don't even want to live anymore. I just want him by my side.

George even dyed his hair brown, because sometimes whenever I look or talk to him, I always see Fred.

George has been thinking if he should continue running the joke shop now that Fred's gone. He doesn't want to go in the joke shop anymore; every single thing reminds him of his twin.

But it's been weeks since I last seen George, he finally had the courage to check out the joke shop.

- - -

One day, I was sitting in Fred's bed while reading my favourite book when someone knocked on the door.

I placed my book on the night stand, got up and opened the door.

"Georgie!" I hugged him, he chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Hello, love. Doing good?" my head was still snuggled up in his chest as I nodded.

"You've been gone for too long, Georgie. How are you?" I asked as I led him towards Fred's bed. We both sat at the edge, facing each other.

"I'm fine. I was thinking about opening the joke shop again. That's why I've been gone for too long, you know managing the stuffs and whatsoever."

"That's great news, Georgie!" I smiled as I hugged him tightly again. He didn't hesitated to hug me back.

"Woah, easy tiger. You missed me huh?" he said as we both pulled away but his hands were still lazily hanging on my waist. I looked up at him and saw him wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed and playfully smack him in his chest. "You know I do, you're the only one who understands me in this house."

"I know, love."

We both fell in silence, but it's not awkward. More like comforting.

He cleared his throat as he looked at the window. "You know, Freddie left a letter for you." I felt my heart beat suddenly stopped, I looked at George as I took a deep breath, "Really?"

"Yeah. He wrote it before the war. Fred told me that I should give it to you when you're okay."

His eyes finally met mine, I got lost thinking it was Fred's. I snapped my thought out of it and gave him a sweet smile. "Can I read it then?"

"You sure you'll be fine?" I nodded.

He got up and went beside the night stand. He opened the drawer and held out a box. As he opened it, he found the letter and handed it to me.

I looked at the letter in George's hand. I slowly took it with mine. I looked at the back of the letter, it was addressed to me in Fred's hand writing.

I hesitated for a second, as George's hand cupped my face to make me look at him. He kissed my cheeks and forehead, "You'll be okay." he whispered.

I nodded and gave him a sad smile, I slowly opened the envelope and grabbed the parchment inside it.

I already saw my favourite hand writing.

- - -

Dear Love,

Hello love, how's my sunshine? Well, you should be fine because you decided to read this letter. :)

I don't know how many months have passed when you read this, but please don't cry for a moment or I'll come down from heaven and smack your head.

First of all, I wanted you to know that I'm so lucky to have you in my life, as my girlfriend, best friend, and sometimes you could be like my mom too. A girl who's kind, sweet, and pretty damn gorgeous. It's like I've defeated Voldy when you agreed to be mine. That was and will always be the happiest day of my life, and did you know that was the memory I used to cast my Patronus? Well now you know.

I am so in love with you, to the point where the world stops when I kiss you. Every problems would just go away whenever I hug you and of course, I would never forget about that beautiful and genuine smile of yours. Bloody hell, I would do anything just to see you smiling again, it makes me complete, that shows how much I fucking love you.

Things may have been different from before, I know that I'm gone when you read this. I know you suffer because of me, and I don't want that. I don't want you crying or hurting because of me. I want you to be happy, like you were before. That's why I'm letting you love my twin.

I knew Georgie was in love with you ever since our first year, but he decided to set aside his love for you when he saw us happy. He didn't want to interfere in our relationship because we're twins.

But now, I want you to be with him.

It may be a lot different because I'm the good looking twin, but it'll work out yeah? Kidding. I know Georgie will take good care of you, Y/N, and I knew you fancied him before me. Don't lie.
I want Georgie to be happy too. I'm not mad, don't you worry. George and I talked about this. :)

Do me a favor, will you? Please do everything that will make you happy. Alright? I'm counting on you.

I love you so much Y/N, always and forever.

Forever yours,

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