Online Class | Harry Potter

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yes, this is a modern!au one.


"Mhm, as much as I want to do this I still have to attend my class in a minute, Harry." I say, pulling away from the kiss.

Harry groaned, rolling on his stomach and pushing his face further into the pillow. The sight made me chuckle, "Fuck online class, how about you just skip it for now?"

"You know I can't,"

"Fine." he made himself cozy in my bed, his half naked body tangled with my covers, his toned arms hugging my pillow.
His eyes closed as he started to take a nap.

I smile slightly as I run my hands through his raven hair, giving him a kiss on his forehead to where his scar was located. I walk towards my study table, stretching my back as I let out a yawn, "Blimey, this online class sucks." I mumbled for myself. Apparently, he heard it.

"Why don't you come up here instead and cuddle me woman?" his voice was muffled by the pillow.

I laugh but didn't respond as I grab my MacBook and join the meeting. The school requires us to open our camera almost everyday — to much my dismay — I entered the Zoom meeting as the Professor starts his lesson for today. Ten minutes later, I can faintly hear Harry's light snores behind me, which took everything on me not to jump into the bed and snuggle with him right now.

Professor Pendleton started to talk about God who knows what. My mind started to drift off, thinking about a certain raven haired boy.

I barely notice that he crawled down on my study desk, spreading my legs apart. I jump slightly when his cold fingers grip my thighs; I was wearing shorts. I turn off my camera as I bend my head down to face him, "What are you doing?" I hiss.

"Don't mind me, I'm bored." Harry shrugs as he toys with my heat with his forefinger.

"Harry.. stop—"

"Miss Young, can you please open your camera?" I was cut off by Professor and quickly turned on my camera, giving him a apologetic smile as he carried on with the lesson.

I felt my face heat up when Harry's hand tug the waistband of my pyjamas shorts. I buck my hips up, allowing him to take the fabric off of me. An audible chuckle escapes through his lips when he notices how wet I am. I kept my expression blank when he tugs my panties too, leaving me half-naked in front of my Zoom meeting. His hot breath tickling my heat, making me buck my hips towards his face.

"Is everything alright, Miss Young?" Professor Pendleton asks me again, I nodded eagerly. Luckily, he tries to shrug it off.

Harry places a finger on my soaking area as he kitty licks it, making me whimper, "Focus on your class, Isabelle."

"Fuck. You." I say through gritted teeth.

He let out a heavy chuckle that sends vibration to my body. He plays my swollen clit with his tongue, nipping the sensitive area as his finger teases my folds. I try to hold a blank expression on my face but my red stained cheeks gives me off.

Harry continues to assault my sensitive area until I feel a familiar knot on my stomach, "Fuck baby, yes— keep going." I encourage him. He inserted two digits inside me then started pumping in and out, curling them in the process. He kept hitting the spot that sends me over the edge.

"Harry.. I'm going to come," I breathed out.

Harry pulled his fingers out, making me whine with the loss contact, "If you want to come, leave your class and I'll let you come on my cock." he sent me a wink as he crawled away from the desk and went back into the bed.

I kept debating whether I should follow Harry or not, I look over my shoulder and my eyes widened when I saw him strip naked. His hard length sprung out of his boxers, letting it hit his toned abs. A smug grin plastered on his gorgeous face.

"Fucking hell," I muttered and left my Zoom class.

I quickly strip off my remaining clothes as Harry grabs a small foil package. I grab the condom off his fingers and rolled the material into his length, his head falls back as his mouth left soft moans. I place my legs over his, straddling him. His length was hitting my folds, making us both buck our hips from anticipation.

"Mhhmm.." he growls as I slowly lower myself on his length.

My mouth fell open. I circle my hips with his as I bounce. Harry's hands grip my hips to support my body as his length pumps in and out of me. I roll my head back when his length keep hitting my g-spot, "Fuck baby right there," I moan.

He starts to pound in me mercilessly, "You like that huh?" he breathed out. I only moan in response.

A familiar knot was growing inside my stomach, making my eyes flutter close. My walls tightened around his length, making his thrust faster than before. I continue to moan his name, my legs starts to shake from the pleasure.

"Are you going to come for me princess?" Harry asks in his low and raspy voice.

"Yes.. please let me come," I plead.

Harry slowly nodded his head as I felt his length twitch inside of me, "Go on, come for me baby." his words alone could help me reach my limit. His hot seed fills the condom as I reach my high, taking it all out on his length.

I lay my head on the crook of his neck. My bare chest hits his as his arms tightened its grip around my waist, pulling my body closer to his. I place a soft kiss on his jaw, making him let out a sigh.

"Was is worth leaving your Zoom class?" he teases.



sorry for the late updates on this one! i was so focused on my first fanfic that i forgot to update here. anyways, thanks for the 10.2k reads and we're #4 in spice! <3

if you want to check out my fanfic, it's in my profile. :) of course it's a draco and fred fanfic.. oof

kally xo

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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