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Seokjin was cooking in the kitchen, trying the new recipe that his mother suggested when Taehyung snaked his strong arms around his dainty waist, intertwining fingers together. Seokjin flinched almost dropping the spatula but was held in the place when older rested his hard chin on his shoulder, taking sweet berry fragrance from his wife. Seokjin has different scent to the body wash they use. He always smell like fresh berry garden and even tastes like one. He has his own natural perfume that allures Taehyung.
Seokjin sighed, loving the warmth radiating through his husband. He smiled widely, couldn't contain the tingles through such lovely actions. He can't help but rub his cheek into soft long hairs of older.

"Let maid do this, honey. You must spent all time with me while I'm free from the work." He snuggled more closer in the long crook neck of his wife, smelling his little long jet black hairs and milky white nape.
"Taehyung-ssi, let me cook, I love doing it which you haven't let since I've been here." he chuckled at how his husbands clinges to him.
"But baby I want to snuggle into your scent and skin, more." Taehyung spoke against the soft milky skin, making younger wriggle under touch, fearing to get into his husband's sweetness to lose himself now and burn the food.
"Aren't you doing that right now, Taehyung-ssi. It's fine if you stay like this way while I'm cooking." Seokjin tilted his head a bit on older's, giving a gentle bump.
"But I want you on my bed, naked." Taehyung's deep voice vibrated into Seokjin's ears giving him butterflies in stomach. He bit his lower lip flustered at his husband who is getting more and more naughty. Seokjin is still getting used this side of him. He had never imagined his life as someone's wife, before. All he had in his mind was a place filled with flowers, books, musical instruments and paintings. Nothing more to need. So now that he is in the unpredictable phase of his life-it gives him an inexperienced feelings that takes him by surprise but in the end he enjoys being in love with someone who returns it eqaully or maybe more. He gently nudged his husband who loved pulling his wife's pisser.

Though Taehyung busies himself in work for most of the time but he makes sure to make it up and gives time to his wife in most heated, romantic and sensual ways. Which excites and fears Seokjin in good way.

"Taehyung-ssi." He hid his face by turning it to either side as he wasn't sure what to do or say to what he just proposed. "Let me cook." He stuttered.
Seokjin baffled and coy, nudged away his husband who tore himself apart from Seokjin's back-when they heard someone fake coughing. Taehyung turned around to see his mother with smile while her hands crossed. She got reason to tease me now. Taehyung thought.

"My dear couple, go to your bedroom if you want to spill your brimming love-but later, uh Seokjin can I take your husband for few minutes please?" She walked to her son-in-law who was still all red, stirring the concoction pretending to be innocent from the act that he was caught along with his husband.
Did she heard what Taehyung said? I hope she didn't but the way she is giggling...
"Yes offcourse." Jin fiddled with his hands, his sight stuck on the concoction he was preparing, hiding his shy eyes.
"Forgive me for ruining your lovely moment." She giggled at Seokjin who instantly shook his head, his eyes wide in innocence.
"Oh, you haven't. Taehyung-ssi was just teasing me." Seokjin side glanced his husband who stared back raising his brow.
"Taehyung, son meet me in garden. I have something to say. I'll be waiting there." His mother walked out so, he quickly caged Seokjin on the kitchen counter leaning closer.
"Ohh I wasn't teasing you." Tae said placing finger beneath Seokjin's chin and raised his head to meet those eyes
"Go and see your mother. She's waiting for you." Jin giggled and pushed him as Taehyung's breath hit his face.
"Hmm-I'm leaving for now and have some work out of town but I'll be home around nine. So, don't fall asleep. When I come back, I want to see you wearing the gift that I've kept in room. Seen you in the evening, love."
"Come home, safe." Taehyung pecked the forehead and left his wife.
Seokjin who had a rush in his body to see what gift his husband has prepared. He bit his lip, trying to keep the excited grin.

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