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“I heard you cried, Soobin-ssi?” Man with cold voice spoke, breaking the silence. Everyone digging in their food looked up at the source of voice, Kim Namjoon but Seokjin's eyes were locked on his teacher Soobin who winced in his seat, uncomfortably. Seokjin suspects this must be disclosed by Jimin who was there to witness those Soobin’s tears.

“Yes, I did.” he didn’t take much of an effort to look up at that man and answer him, his eyes were affixed on the plate before him.

“Soobin-ssi, what I am hearing, you really cried?” Taehyung asked, his eyes drifting to his partner, raising his brow at him to ask question through countenance who ducked his head and hung his brows low. Taehyung saw the food in his spouse’s plate was untouched for Seokjin seemed to be eaten by something going in his brain.

Taehyung sipped on water, not liking to speak with food in the mouth, “I would not pry to your privacy, but since you are a guest here, besides you are such a poise man so I shall ask you if—”

Soobin cleared his throat, “No—you all in this mansion are so kind. I met my childhood friend after long time, we reminisced all old times, so I got a bit overwhelmed, that’s it.” now he looked into the eyes of all who were waiting for an answer.

Taehyung smiled subtly. “Well, then it’s okay. I thought it to be more of any problem.”

A loud sigh of relief was heard from oldest Kim. “You worried me Soobin, since I brought you here, I started to scold myself for not seeing after you.”

Stop talking to me all of you, it’s getting me anxious.” mumbled Soobin in the lowest voice, skipping desert. 

“But, I heard you were out to meet Namjoon sir?” Seokjin asked. His eyes glancing at Namjoon who had some sort of tiny smile that was soft but uncannily bothering.

“Yes I was, but after that I ran into my childhood friend.” he hissed. “Stop worrying about me, my tears weren’t of sadness. Now excuse me. I need to be in my room. God I spoke now more than I did in years summed.” he stood and left. Seokjin watched him go. 

“But—” Jimin who wanted to ask something was interrupted.
    “You! why did you say to Namjoon sir about Soobin crying.” Seokjin whispered into Jimin’s ears after pulling towards him.

“He is Namjoon’s luggage. Let him take care, why we should bother.” to Seokjin’s sensitive attention, Jimin who always a warm creature looked cold now. 

“But he is our responsibility. He stays here, earns, breaks bread here, we must look after him. Didn’t you see, he looked so much of in discomfort when Namjoon sir asked him of his sudden emotional scene? He surely developed a distaste regarding it got discussed here. ”

“I didn’t know, I just wanted to help—I’ll be in my room now. ‘night.” He stood up, dragging the chair. Seokjin also watched him leave, giving him certain low feelings.

“My honey.” Taehyung caught his attention, smiling confusedly at him. “What were you and Jimin whispering of?” he asked. “Perhaps did you know anything about Soobin-ssi crying?”

They were alone at the dining table now, “Yes, I knew.” he nodded, Taehyung hummed wiping Seokjin’s stained lips with his thumb.

“What did you do?” Taehyung asked.  

Seokjin’s eyes were adhered on his Taehyung’s soft lips
     “huh?” he voiced.

“I asked for it—just for I know my kind spouse won’t sit silently after seeing a troubled being. You must have calmed him, helped him, didn’t you? So what did you do?”

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