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There was this story put to the halt when the protagonist of this half left tale, entered. Jimin and I sprung from the sofa with great relief, sure some restlessness and worry, as finally seeing the man who was out, vanished for the whole wuthering night.

I suspected him to look drunk, blotched, let alone messed, sore from distressed, but all of that stayed missing from his posture but his eyes. Though the yester night was stormy it apparently didn't affect him from out.

However, his eyes-his eyes were deeper much before he could school them to maintain callousness, they reflected more inner turmoils than he bargained, as if he had no controlled over his eyes. I believe his eyes this way were too much adored before-transparent with emotions, maybe this is why when he changed his nature from being loveful to nothing-everything in him learned coldness but his eyes.

We could see the invisible yet hefty pieces in him breaking pitily. My sight numbed in the knowlege of his past life given through Jimin which was about to take routes to little disturbance and unnecessary huddles of what is yet left to be said.
Oh I must pinch myself with pinchful of skin, twisting it to cry, for taking interest in somebody's declining life with listening to it when I am no of use for it or being their close one. I am like of those maiden who loves to be nosy in other's life's to kill time.

"Those eyes are heavy Mr Jeon, take it off from me. I believe I am alive and well. Don't burry me in that pathetic pity yet." Kim Sir snorted, his thick eyes affixed on me, while me out of my sense didn't realize I was staring at him with my expressions hung in my eyes.

"I apologize sir, I was rather inspecting if you are hurt. I had seen you a day ago not a glance since then, my eyes are quite relieved to see you back and well." I smiled politely only to be ignored. He dropped his coat on the floor, pecks of dust marrying the air around. I pulled back my smile quite sure I am not yet amiable enough for to get one back.

"I am humbled." no he wasn't, he didn't look like one, it was all stoney from him. "That you care for me but I'd rather hate the idea of any eyes longer on me. You had your tea?"

"I shall not bother you with my worried appearance anymore. Besides you wound me sir, I daren't have tea without seeing you. It won't go down my throat." he scoffed. Why would he? Was I being too dramatic?

"Don't be so kind. Have your tea, there's a long day ahead for the teacher." He said, his face scurrying around all like he was new to this house. Before I put an invitation to him for the tea with me he interrupted. His long fingers washing his face. "I won't be having. You company yourself. I'll be in my room." he limped on his leg. Well again, I suspect alcohol in him but his decent words said callously rolling from still tongue would take it back. He looked wrecked in most confining ways. He would speak of sensible man, look as cold as experienced gentleman yet something in him cries like wrung soul.n

"Jimin, you are saying nothing? Why so hushed? Do I look too unpleasant to speak?" he paused on his steps and turned his face to side, displaying his half profile. The fringes before his eyes, swinging to the nose, casting shadow on his honey toned face like an eclipse, hiding the different colors of his expressions well.

Jimin was crying. Taehyung's eyes snapped and crashed on mine. I panicked. "Jimin! Y-you are crying? Why is that, huh? Who made you cry?" I blabbered, displaying that I had no idea of his tears and I wasn't involved in it either.

Taehyung sir rather laughed to our baffle, the laugh was heavy like in an underwater. "Luckless, I had to come in through the garden, no other way to get inside the house. I saw those faded flowers, reminding me of how long it's been. Tell me young one why do you cry? Are you spending your tears on my behalf? Should I be grateful for that?" He laughed again, his eyes crinkling, those thick lashes curtaining his eyes, his eyebrows hanging down, with tears that were kept from falling. "I am destroyed. Not you. Don't let your young eyes grow tired." he coughed back his tears, and bit his lip as Jimin whimpered like any motherless child.

"You aren't destroyed brother. These tears are of relief, for seeing you fine, you left so disdainfully. My heart hurts whenever you run away in that manner. For sake of your own put an end to this grief brother-" his cry was interrupted in the most cold way.

"I can't help it, until I am in the earth, and soul in heaven. Till then all is merciless pain to me. I want to go to my room. No need to bring those water in your eyes. Though, I make a mess in grief, I won't disappoint any of you through any reckless step." he turned on his heels.

"Yet." he added very softly under his breath, that my extra perky ears caught. I saw his white shirt losely hanging on his broad frame, flying behind with his long hairs through his ascending and disappeared.

That yet reverberated in me like a bold vibration of church bells. Like thunder but the breaking Jimin on sofa caught my sight. Maids who were gathered in the corner hands holding empty tray close to chest, the scene taking their hearts; they brisked to Jimin and gave him a glass of water.

"He won't forget and heal." he cried his eyes shutting. "I would curse his late spouse for all my life but I still wish him alive. However vile he was, but my brother could stay in form that didn't burned my heart or fated him to die!"


I couldn't ask him for more to enjoy my entertainment as I saw Jimin lazily kneeting something horrible-well he was just a beginner in it. The soreness in his eyes and whiteness of face was still there to depict the agony in him for his brother.

Taehyung sir wasn't ruined but close to. We could see the world and life annihilating from him. The roughness, the cold beast, the broken child, the loving but rubbled husband. His image would take small part of my soul if I was related to him, even if just a guest here, I could feel my heart sobbing for him.

"Take me out of my thoughts, Jungkook. It aches my nerves. I might damage my mental health in thinking too much. Oh, our parents would never stay peacefully if they're to know their sons' health's declining." his eyes adhered to me.

"If only your brother decides to let go what he couldn't seize or sort." I spoke, my eyes daren't seeing his for he made me look like I would handle this situation going on. "Five stages of grief-human's nature, but last one is the acceptance. He should accept the loss and look forward to life left lest his young eyes."

"You say is helpful. I request if you knock on his door, stand there and convey this message to him, he wont allow you in but your voice is enough."

"Jimin, I would never dare to linger around him let alone his room. You heard my words, didn't you? Go and say it yourself. I permit you to take credit of my words." he ran to me in disbelief.

"Why so cold?" he scoffed. "He is my brother."

"Yeah not mine." I said, shrugging my shoulders. Being blunt to Jimin is more affordable than waiting for an aftermath from Taehyung sir.

"Rude!" he spat on my face with his scintillating eyes and shut himself in the library that wouldn't have any book opened by him. He might be studying literature but books bore him. What an idiot.

I couldn't let him stay upset from me, whatever he is, he's my puny, emotional student. "Bring Namjoon sir here! He's senior to us. He would help in finest way, I believe. I can write Namjoon sir a good letter for his arrival here for help." I suggested.

"Don't bother." he yelled from inside. "He is busy. Go find someone else to help in this, better find it in yourself. I have great cognition Jungkook, I dare say, you'll bring him out of his troubles!"

"What non-sense you are speaking?" I asked in irk. "I Came here just for teaching!" added.

I heard his steps closer "And you dare indulge yourself in heartbreaking story of my brother." That shut my mouth. Ah! He got me.

"Now go away. Let me be alone! Get away from the door you heartless punk! I won't take you as my teacher today- so I'm not apologizing for being rude!" He surely is out of his mind.

Namjoon sir-Come to think of him-he happened to bring Choi Soobin, the piano teacher here in this Kim's mansion all the way from the enormous London. I suspect him to be an hideous hinder, destructing the love life of Seokjin and Taehyung. I wonder what happened next?


I apologize for such a late update. I'll be sure to keep the time short between the updates <3

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