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As I came down into drawing room, I saw all maids and Jimin cleaning house as if Christmas has arrived. He dusted off each and every vase and antics, placing carefully back in the shelves.

       “Ah, Jungkook-ssi, your breakfast will be served in your room, here you might not like dust on bread.” he chuckled, and knelt to clean the stain.

       “What's with this sudden cleaning. Perhaps any visitor?” I asked, handing him dust cloth, he gestured me to give.

      “Yes, mother is coming to see us. She visits us once or twice in two months.”

“She don't stay with ya'all?”

       “No, she and father stay away. My father isn't well.”


        Jimin placed his hand on my shoulder before wiping it with his shirt. “Jungkook-ssi can you do me a favor?”

“Yeah, say.”

        “Um, my mother hates when everyone roams in house without reason. So, when I call you for introduction only than you'll come. She is strict.” He smiled pleadingly.


      Yeah there mother came and I was called by Jimin to greet her. And first thing she noticed was the tidiness.

       There stood a wrinkle free face, hairs dyed black and straight feminine posture with hint of eye- catching arrogance. Her royalty all displayed through those dear silk garments, and jewels.
       She walked in sterned manner and took my hand “Pleasure to meet you Mr Jeon.” A cold smile presented, growing my inhibition. “It's pleasure meeting you as well Ma'am.” I bowed a little.

      “Let's have a cup of tea.” She offered. We both sat on chair, but nobody spoke. I grew little frustrate as she didn't had any friendly hint.

       “Martha.” She called of a maid. “Can you please draw the curtains, this strong afternoon light, is giving me headache.” Maid obeyed and did what was said. A delicate light laid in the whole drawing room.

       “Mr Jeon.” I looked at her. “Have you meet my son Taehyung? Please answer in soft tone. I get headache even in hearing voice.” She asked sipping the tea without even making a noise of cup clinking and slurping sound. I internally cleared my throat. “Yes, I have.” She nodded.

       “Was he unfriendly, cold? I bet meeting him wasn't delightful.” She breathed a small chuckle.

        “Breaking ice with him was quite failure for me. But to be honest, my first day here was the last time I met him, since then I haven't. So, I can't judge him by our only first meeting.”

       “Hmm, I liked you of being unprejudiced, Mr Jeon.” She said and nodded little. To be honest, I'm not unprejudiced, when I first met him, I labeled him as peculiar.

        “If I'll keep my mouth shut on this than it will be my hypocrisy. So, let me say that I might have been a little and judged the book by cover.” She giggled faintly lowering head.

         “I liked your honesty.” I smiled, as I felt that she isn't that hard to befriend. She isn't that rude as I thought of.

         Jimin came and sat beside his mother, kissing her cheek.“Jimin, Taehyung didn't opposed your learning art?” Jimin nodded. “Yes, mother he did, but I threw tantrums.”

“You shouldn't bother your brother like that.”

       “But mother, I can't just live here doing nothing. He never shows up much. I feel so lonely. So, I decided to at least learn something and use time.”

        Her lips tugged down before she opened her mouth to speak. “He is still the same?” She asked as her eyes closed.

“He is still the same.” Jimin, too arched his brow sadly placing hand on his mother's shoulder. “Did you said him about my arriving?”

       “I knocked on his door and said him about your arrival, he didn't reply.”

“I'll just meet him.” She stood from chair and gave me a smile, leaving for Taehyung-ssi.


      I was in my room, studying the book of architect. But, actually hearing the conversation going on  above. I was in the balcony so their voice was clearly heard as I was on third floor while they on fourth.

      I would beg forgiveness for interfering into their matters, but my curiosity always weakens me and my conscience.

       Since they are in converse it didn't came out as mother - son meeting lovingly, it feels like they're debating on something really serious.

      “Taehyung, The well-known trader of Hungary has proffered you to marry his daught—”
       “I have no interest.” A cold deep voice interuppted her by stating bluntly.

      “For how long huh? How long you'll stay like this, torturing yourself?” Her came in irritated tone.

      “Don't you want to forget everything and live life back.” Mrs Kim's voice raised. “How long you'll keep thinking of him? Forget him, you'll get another one to love.”

       “Mother stop!” He snarled. “I don't think of him anymore.” A thud voice came. Maybe, Taehyung threw something in anger.

       “You know everything and yet you speak like it's easy for me. You know and still~” Taehyung's voice wavered. Is he crying? Why it felt like his voice came out as a man living in 100 years of agony. I sense things and often it comes out true.

      “I want to live like this, I have made my life here. And please, You don't have to worry about me. You rather take care of father.”

      “How can I not worry for you, son. Look at yourself. this isn't called living, Taehyung.” She sniffed.
“I know he ruined you. But, it isn't end of world. Jin–”

     “Don't dare say his name!!” he yelled.
I Daren't say my name, not after the accident I met.

       I flinched not because of Taehyung's voice, but because of sudden thought of beauty in white, that abruptly showed.

“You are worsening this more Maa, please leave.” He whisper yelled.

“Fine.” Mrs Kim gave up. Soon A loud door banging voice came.

       All pieces are shattered on floor, making a heartbreaking story of Taehyung. What has made him a man of misery? I wonder.


A/n:— This is a slow burning story. Revealing there past story might take chapters. So, hang in there.

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