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jewel pov

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jewel pov

"She's, just like I expected her to be," I told Taehyung as we exited the gates of hell. "I didn't ask," he replied, making me step on his toe.

"HEY THESE ARE NEW SHOES," he quickly kneeled down, using his sleeve to clean his shoe. "I don't care," I shrugged, walking away. "Now that I actually look at you, you look decent. That's not normal, where are you going?" I asked, looking him up and down.

"I'm gonna ask this girl to the winter ball. I didn't have a chance to ask anyone since I was so busy being the bestest boy, helping you on earth." He flipped his hair cockily.

"Oh, tell her I'm sorry," I said, confusing him. "For being the reason I ask her out so late?" He tilted his head, making me place my hand on his shoulder. "No, tell her I'm sorry FOR her, she's going to be asked out by a dickhead like you. I'd pay to see her struggle to politely turn you down," I teased, making him scoff.

"Have you seen my face? How could you turn me down? I'm one of the best looking guys at the school, it would be an honour for her to go with me." He put his hands in his pocket, "and that is your problem, you're so cocky," I shook my head. He took a step closer to, leaning down near my face. "Well you know what they say, the cockier the guy is, the bigger the cock," he gazed straight into my eyes attempting to make me nervous.

 "Well you know what they say, the cockier the guy is, the bigger the cock," he gazed straight into my eyes attempting to make me nervous

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"Literally no one says that."

I pushed him away, as Nova appeared from the distance, she was going to take me to heaven. "Hey kiddos," she waved, grabbing my hand, "ready to go?" Nova smiled, making me nod as Taehyung took his leave to get back to the ED. "Oye Kim!" I yelled out to catch his attention, he turned around and raised his eyebrows, "what do you want?" He asked.

"I'd recommend taking a mint before asking out that girl, your breath stinks like horseshit." I faked a smile, grabbing Nova's hand to skip away. I managed to catch a glance of Taehyung blowing air into his palm to smell his own breath, cringing at the smell making me chuckle to myself.

"He's quite popular with the girls," Nova told me, making me look at her questionably. "Well, their taste in men is appalling," I sighed, as we walked up to heaven. "Oh c'mon Jewel, you can't deny he's handsome, practically all the girls he's ever talked to have fallen for him." She said, I liked that she stuck to the name Jewel, I preferred it.

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