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3rd person pov

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3rd person pov

"What an idiot," Clara uttered, everyone was left speechless at Jewel's actions. All of Jewel's friends and fellow pupils were worried for her, they were dumbfounded at her death wish to run out all on her own. "We have to help her, if not spells then let's use actual things to get out," Nova said, running into the equipment room to get tools and things. The trio of Isaac, Taehyung and Nova ran up to the tower, since finding an exit space from higher ground would be beneficial to them.

Taehyung and Nova played with the tools, trying to figure out which one would be helpful to undo the structure of the metal barricades. "How useful it would be if it our powers actually worked right now ugh," Nova complained, throwing a hammer on the metal in anger, surprising both the boys.

"Breathe," Taehyung tried to pat her shoulder but she wacked it away, "BREATHE? Jewel could be dying out there right now." She exclaimed in worry, "we're all concerned for her alright, we need you to help us think of better ways with a cool mind." Isaac told her, making her relax a little. Her mental beauty was what made her the perfect Clemess student, but at times like this beauty was far from what was lingering inside her brain. She was terrified, horrible thoughts of what might be happening outside. To her friend.

Zanira had followed up behind them, scaring Taehyung who was almost murdered by him but the other 2 had no clue. Zanira silently watched them do what they did, in his times these automatic barricades were a dream as big as flying cars. "Wait," Isaac stopped Nova from working so hard on unscrewing the metal wall by placing his hand on her wrist gently.

"The barricade only stops spells right? Our individual powers still work because they don't require spells." He tilted his head, "yeah but what the hell is mind reading and water manipulation going to help with?" Taehyung replied.

"The barricade itself is charged by magic, magic that stops magic but it's still magic," Isaac struggled to get his point along to the others, "so what if the magic inside the wall is sucked out?" A person who they didn't know was listening spoke out, leaning against the wall stood Clara. "What do you mean?" Zanira crossed his arms in confusion.

"What if I siphoned the magic in the walls?"



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