Chapter XV

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Tap tap tap

Subaru sat up in bed, groaning at the noise. 

Who in the world would be knocking on my dorm window at this time?  It's already eleven pm. 

Luckily, his roommates were still in the common room, minding their own business.  He walked over and opened the window, letting a grunt as the cold air hit his face. An owl flew in and perched on the backboard of the bed, a letter fluttering onto his pillow. The Gryffindor walked back to his bed and grabbed the letter, giving the owl a look of thanks. The creature let out a hoot before flying back into the wild. Laying on the bed he gently opened the letter, noticing how the writing seemed to be written in a rush. 


Koharu and I had a talk tonight about the plan. Since the four of us still haven't figured out anything, Koharu thought we should ask Kanata from M4 and my friend, Ako, the smartest people we can get from Hogwarts. I know you don't want to add more people in the group, but I don't think we'll get anywhere at this point without them. They're very clever and both of them are pure-bloods, so they could help with the research. I'll ask Ako tomorrow and can you please ask Kanata for me? Then we'll meet during lunch in the courtyard.

Good night,


Subaru closed his eyes, heaving out a sigh. It's true that he didn't want anymore people to join in quest, but it was also true that they haven't made any progress. He placed the letter on the night table before rolling over. He had hoped for some kind of adventure during his years at Hogwarts, but this adventure could cost someone's life- and he didn't want that.

"Hey you okay Subaru?" One of his dorm mates say as they walk in, getting ready for bed.

"Just some stuff going on with life," Subaru answered, voice muffled in the pillows.

"If you ever need anything, you know the boys always got you."

Subaru glanced up and grinned, "Thanks."

"That's what friends are for, Subaru, and the flowers you wanted will be in our room tomorrow morning." The room went silent and the boy looked over at Subaru's bed. A soft smile plastered on his face when he realized the Gryffindor already fell asleep. 


The next day, Subaru waited outside the library just before lunch started. He knew his friend Kanata was in there and would come out anytime soon. The door was pushed open and he noticed his familiar classmate, holding a giant book in his hand, as usual, but this one was different. It was a copy of Shakespeare's Classics, published more than fifty years ago, and the chapter he bookmarked was on Romeo and Juliet. It was strange to him, that his friend would read such a tragedy. He dismissed the thought in his mind, and instead, went up to his fellow classmate.

"Yo, Kanata! Are you free during lunch? You're eating lunch with me today!"

The brunet pushed his white glasses up, and girls around them cooed as he swung his rucksack onto his left shoulder, exposing quite a bit of flesh. "Who said I was eating lunch with you?"

Subaru rolled his eyes and linked arms with the boy, "I need you to do a favor for me and we've got to talk about it during lunch."

The boy sighed, "I guess why not... I was gonna eat lunch by myself anyways, as usual." 

The duo made small talk about their upcoming test schedules as they walked through the corridors. Every once in a while they would be stopped by a few female students to ask questions and compliment them. Subaru expected that because they were some of the school's biggest heartthrobs, handsome, smart, rich and in the gifted program at school. 

Fallen Dreams - An Aikatsu Stars x Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now