Authors' Note

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It's with a bittersweet mix of emotions that we present the final epilogue chapter of our novel. After nearly 4 years of dedicated writing, countless revisions, and an outpouring of love and support from our amazing readers, we've reached the end of this incredible journey. We poured our hearts and souls into these characters, watching them grow and evolve with each passing chapter. It has been a labor of love, filled with laughter, tears, and an endless wellspring of creativity.

When we first set out to craft this fan-fiction, we knew it would be a labor of love for the anime series. The characters had become so deeply embedded in our hearts and minds, and we were determined to do their tale justice. There were challenges along the way, times when the plot didn't flow as easily as we'd hoped, and we had to constantly edit and re-edit our story, or when we've both grown up along the way and wanted to give up on the story as we weren't as into the characters as before. But your unwavering encouragement and enthusiasm kept us motivated, driving us to finish the story.

Now, as we bid farewell to this beloved tale (and the fandom in general), we can't help but feel a profound sense of accomplishment, tinged with a touch of melancholy. These characters were once our favourite, and the thought of letting them go and no longer being able to explore nor experiment with their journeys is truly bittersweet. However, we take solace in knowing that we have crafted the story we set out to tell, and that our readers have joined us on this captivating adventure.

While we won't be exploring this particular fandom any further, we are eternally grateful for the opportunity to share this journey with you. Your unwavering support through the votes and comments, and your unending enthusiasm and genuine investment in our story have made this experience truly unforgettable.

While we have decided not to write any more works set in this particular fandom, if you've enjoyed our work here, we encourage you to check out our solo projects, should we choose to share them in the future. 

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for joining us on this incredible adventure. May the memories we've created together live on, inspiring us all to embrace the magic that lies within the pages of our favourite stories.

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