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"Where is she?" Yume screamed desperately, running around the school. The group had immediately split up right after they stepped out of the main hall. Each one of them running in a different direction trying to find the school's head girl.

"She's not here!" A scream echoed back from the other side of the hall.

Suddenly, the group heard a loud cry coming from Emma, the second-year from Hufflepuff who had volunteered to help. Aria was the first to arrive, and she screamed too, noticing the blood. Aine, a first-year Gryffindor and Subaru's cousin, was seriously injured. The two girls, despite being from different backgrounds, knew who had done it.

"Call the medical team over, please! It's a fatal wound!" Aria shouted, waving her hand around. Throwing off her cloak, she tied it around the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding. "It's gonna be alright. I promise you."

The girl nodded and seemed to relax a little. Aria gave her a soft smile, trying to make small talk to distract her from the pain. As soon as help arrived, Aria gave her a squeeze and got back to work.

"I found her!" Laura's voice was heard all over the school campus. "I need help, quick! She's too powerful! I can't fight alone!" She cried, wand in hand.

Being the leader of the ten, Subaru rushed over to her side. "I can help!" he says. Together the two start throwing hexes at Rei and duck as hexes were thrown at them. Subaru's eyes widen as hex gets thrown at him without him noticing, "Protego!" The shield protects him just in time, but the force of the hex hitting it launches him backward. "Laura I think we'll some more help," he groans, pushing himself on one knee, "I don't think we'll be able to beat him just by ourselves."

Laura grimaced as she released her own shield charm, blocking off the hex. "Send a Patronus!" She yells, deflecting another hex. She could feel her magic start to diminish as her energy slowly drained. At this point in time, Subaru was behind her chanting something to summon the Patronus as messenger. She herself was running around deflecting hexes, deflecting more than sending them. Often times, she found herself hiding behind fallen debris or rolling on the ground to avoid hexes. Rei seemed to be leisurely standing in place sending hexes every few seconds, while stepping to the side to dodge a hex thrown at her every once in a while. She smirked as she notices the trouble the pink haired girl seemed to be having.

"Miss Sakuraba isn't it?" She chuckled, stopping her hexes.

Laura took the chance to catch her breath and listen to the older girl.

"Hmm... You're from the rival house aren't you? Gryffindor." Rei twirled her wand aimlessly and strode up to Laura. "What are you doing fighting against me?" She held her wand, twirled it around her long fingers and pokes it at the younger girl's chest.

"Why wouldn't I fight you? It's not like I or anyone would fight along you." Laura snapped confidently in reply, despite her lips quavering and raised her own wand.

"I can see." Rei quipped, lifting her wand to trace the younger girl's face. She cackled when the girl gulped and bit her lip nervously. "I guess you could be my first comrade, huh?"

"What? No! I would never—"


Laura slumped to the ground, wand tumbling out of her hand. Rei suddenly sported an amused smirk, and titled her head, fanning herself with her wand. "One down. Nine to go. Laura, rise and pick your wand up." Laura's eyes pop open and she followed the orders without complaint. "Now you know what to do. Pretend to be their ally, but sabotage them when you can," and then, she was gone.

Laura watched the older girl disappear and brushed the dust off her uniform. She glanced around and notices Subaru heading towards her. "Subaru!" She yelled and runs over, "R-Rei! She's gone!"

Fallen Dreams - An Aikatsu Stars x Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now