Chapter XXV

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"Stay away from me!" The teenaged boy growled fiercely. He had his body curled up, his fists clutching his T-shirt. His knees were pulled up, reaching his chest as he cried into his palms. Despite his reputation at school as a bad boy who aced Quidditch, and a child genius of course, he was still a baby at heart.

Ako's eyes had trepidation inside them. The fear of her loved one taking suicide. She did not want to lose another person she loved. "Please! Whatever your problem is, we can always discuss about it!"

"Then will you marry me?"

The brunette shook her head, laughing. "Even if I want to, my parents would never allow it to happen. Besides, it wasn't the most romantic proposal ever."

"See? You can't help me!" 


Karen had arrived with the other quest members. "Don't kill yourself. There are still a lot of reasons on why you should continue to live on." She spoke calmly. 

"You don't have a say in this. It's my life, not yours!"

He sighed, stood up and watched the sunset glimmering outside the window. Turning towards them, he beckoned Aria to his side. "My analysis reports on Rei are on my desk inside my room, and some pages should be in my drawers." He quietly mumbled, and gave her the key to his vault. "Bring Ako there. I hope my research will help you."

Aria was full of tears. "I will. But please don't leave us. We're friends, and I'm already like that, crying and all. So imagine how much pain your parents would be." She pleaded. Her voice dropped to a soft whisper. "How Ako would be."

"I know." He answered. "I know, but nobody can change my mind." 

He looked at Karen, acknowledging her. "There is one last thing I would like to do before I take my life. May I?" He demurely asked.

"Go on." Karen was trying to spare time, in order for rescuers to lay their equipment on the ground outside the castle just in case he jumped, and also for his anxious parents to rush in from London. 

He bored deeply into the eyes of the girl he loved. "Come here." And she obliged. 

"There's gonna be a romantic scene!" Gushed the Kasumi Siblings.

Unfortunately, they could see, but could not hear any, as the male pulled the purple-haired girl's friend further away from them. The other boys tried peeping to take a closer look, but failed. 

The first thing he did, was pull her into a hug, his arms tightly engulfed around her torso, his head landing on her shoulder. "I miss you."

"Don't leave me alone anymore." He whispered. "Don't make me suffer anymore. I would pay any price to be with you forever. Please. I will do anything for you. I promise." 

She hugged him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Unfortunately I can't. Although I love you, I still have to marry Marcus. My parents need me to."

"Repeat. Yourself." He pushed away, feeling tears of joy dripping down from his irises. "What did you just say?"

Ako Saotome took in a deep breath. It was now or never. She did not care, if Marcus would find out about her love and punishing her the next day, because she was tired of lying. She was tired of pretending to like someone she had no interest in at all. Her tears then flowed unrestrained. "I-I love you!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. "You, Kanata! Not anyone else!"

All eyes turned on the girl. Mahiru and Aria put their hands over her mouth, shocked at what they had just heard. 

"I've fallen for you. Ever since Christmas. And I am not ashamed to tell this," She began, "To the person himself. And I can tell you that, I love you, Kanata Kira. And I want to become yours. No, I am yours, but apparently I still have something to get rid of before we can officially date."


But before he could even finish his words, he collapsed on the floor, unconscious. 

"K-Kanata!! No!"

The eight other members of the quest barrelled across the classroom to reach him. Yume provided physical support by lending her shoulder for Ako to cry on, and Mahiru helped comfort the auburn-haired girl with words.  

Nozomu and Karen, along with Koharu, examined the surroundings. "There's a can of butterbeer here! It's most likely something was put inside." Nozomu lifted up a can of half-finished drink.

"Most likely some drugs made by Muggles." Muttered Karen to herself. "Send him to a Muggle hospital!"

"Itz a pity we don't have any Muggle equipment. We could extract fingerprints." She thought for a while, then suddenly had a brilliant idea. "Ma cousine lives in Londres! He opened a laboratory there, too!" She exclaimed. "I can ask him to help!"

"Good." Karen nodded. "You will head off to London first thing in the morning tomorrow. Now, you two shall return to your room and pack your bags — you will wake up very early in the morning tomorrow. I will tell the headmistress and ask for your absence in tomorrow's courses. I will also ask Raichi Hoshimiya and Yume, your classmates, to copy your notes."

"Thank you!"

I can go on a mission with this adorable cinnamon roll! I can't wait!

She's really really cute! I'll try my best to get closer to her since my sisters won't be there in the train with me tomorrow!

The two teens returned to their rooms that instant to pack their belongings.

"Now, we shall go to Kira's room."


Ako tried her hardest not to cry when she reached his bedroom.

She lay on his bed, reminiscing about how they used to spend time together. Lying down, her head on his pillow, she sniffed in the cool scent of his blanket and read his diary entries, which were in the drawer Aria talked about. Karen was asking Nozomu for details outside, in the Ravenclaw common room, where the captains, Subaru and Yume explaining the quest McGonagall had given them to fulfil, filling her in, and the others were searching the boy's part of the room for clues.

"He said he had some of the research papers on his desk. I can't find them, though." Reported Mahiru. "Anything in his vault?"

"I only found his money, a Muggle computer, an iPad and a stick." Aria shrugged. 

"It's an ARMY BOMB." Ako pointed at the light-stick. "He told me it was his most prized possession, so treat it nicely."

"Sure, lover girl!" Aria tried her best not to laugh, then regained her composure as soon as she spotted a small red box. "It's a ring for Ako! The letters K and A are engraved on the ring! I knew it!"  


"I found something about Rei in the drawer!" Laura held out three sheets of paper. Two were typed documented reports, all printed out from the Muggle printer beside his desk — He sure had the most advanced technology right next to him. However, one yellowish piece of paper caught the girl's eye. It was one of the pages from Yozora's gossip magazine, an article exposing Rei's past. A photo of her birth certificate was also attached. 

"Guys! Rei's adopted." She skimmed down the article as the others gathered around her.

Aria gasped and pointed at the photo. "Look at the birth certificate!"

"Her real surname's Malfoy!"



Hope you all are staying safe under COVID! We really appreciate all your reads and comments, special thanks to you because we LOVE reading comments! 

Mwah! Love you ♡♡

shiny_smile_girl and _StarLightCrystal_

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