Chapter XXVII

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"I'm still tired!"

Koharu Nanakura giggled as the boy sitting next to her, Asahi Kasumi, yawned and stretched while complaining. It was only seven in the morning, but they had travelled from Hogwarts for more than two hours and London was still nowhere in sight.

Karen shot the boy a frown. "Get used to it, Kasumi. Talk to Nanakura if you want — it may help you boost your energy levels." She then stood up rubbing her temples, "I'm going to buy a newspaper, so please excuse me."

Asahi gave the girl sitting next to him a boyish grin of relief as soon as Karen was out of earshot. "Yippee! Kamishiro isn't here now, that means I can talk to you in private!" He squealed.

Koharu blushed, "Was there somethingz you wanted to talk about?" Her accent had improved a lot after Karen's lesson of teaching her a traditional British accent on the train. She had so much progress that she could easily pass for a native. However, she occasionally spoke with a French accent and used French vocabulary — there were some words in English that were difficult to pronounce for her, like the words 'clothes', 'rural' and 'squirrel'.

Asahi tilted his head, "Hmm not really... But just being with you is amazing!" They went silent for a while, just enjoying each other's presence.

"Actually, I do have something to tell you..." Asahi said, bring a hand up to rub the back of his head with embarrassment. He gazed down and his blonde hair fell over his eyes. He peeked out from under his hair with hopeful eyes.

"I might kinda like you."

Koharu blinked at those words, trying to process what the boy said. Asahi's hopeful face darkened with each passing second. They sat, in total silence. Koharu tried to break her uncomfortableness.

"As... un ami? A friend?" She asked cautiously, turning her head to face the window, afraid of the boy's reaction.

"No..." Asahi felt his heart ache as the silence dragged on.

"More than just a friend?" Koharu whispered, spinning her head around, her eyes starting twinkling.

Asahi straightened up in a serious manner and pushed the golden blonde locks out of his face. "Yes," he answered with utmost confidence, peering into the Hufflepuff's eyes.

Koharu beamed with joy on her face, but a frown quickly replaced it. She would gladly say 'yes', but there was a problem.

"Malheureusement... How 'bout yer sisters?"

"I could care less about them. They're annoying. I believe that everyone will eventually fall in love someday. It's just a matter of time." Asahi shyly smiled and quickly grabbed the girl's hands in his. "Plus, we won't be the only ones with a secret relationship."

"W-Who's in a secret relationship?" Koharu narrowed her eyes.

Asahi squeezed her hands and gave her a mischievous little chuckle and an all-teeth smile. "Kanako."

Koharu's mind immediately went blank as she registered the word. It sounded really familiar. Like... the combination of two names.

Asahi chuckled again while watching the girl's clueless expression slowly morphing into one of shock and realisation. "But they can't be. Their parents would never allow it."

"Well they aren't," Asahi retorted, "But it is one of my secret plans."

"Un plan?"

Asahi grinned, "I believe in happily ever afters after all. My goal is to make Kanata and Ako an official couple without having to hide the fact from their families. Though, it has been proven difficult." The boy frowned, then continued, "I'm sure they'll have to start dating in secret before revealing it to their parents. So we won't be the only secret couple." He winked.

Koharu's eyes lit up with amazement. How considerate and sweet he was... She took in a deep breath. "D'accord... Then are you sure about... us?"

"I'm one thousand percent sure! I'm sure my sisters will love you once they get to know you." His eyes avert for a moment before looking straight in Koharu's eyes.

"Does this mean you like me too?"

Koharu felt her face turning into a shade of red. She gave him a nod. "Oui." She admitted quietly.

A myriad of emotions crossed his face. He gave her a big smile and a hug. Then, shaking his head, he turned back into his 'serious mode'.

"Will you do the honour of being my lovely, fantastic, beautiful girlfriend?"

Koharu giggled, "Of course I will be your lovely, fantastic, beautiful girlfriend. As long as you'll be my cute, funny, amazing copain."

"How can I say no?" Asahi grinned once more and brought her hands up to his lips. He placed small kisses along Koharu's knuckles, then made a face. "Can you stop randomly talking in French, please?"

"I'll try, mon amour." She straightened herself and gave him a soft peck on the cheek.

"Well, well, well. It seems like I need to congratulate someone!" A voice said as the doors opened to their compartment.

"Professor Kamishiro! How much did you hear?" Asahi exclaimed, dropping their hands.

"Hmm... Starting from the part where you, quote on quote, asked her to be your 'lovely, fantastic, beautiful girlfriend'." Asahi turned into a shade of red and covered his eyes. Karen laughed before closing the doors and taking a seat across from the new couple. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this." She winked, pulling out the newspaper she went out to buy. Asahi uncovered his eyes and peered in to his professor's. Her eyes seemed to be full of sadness and a sentimental amount of understanding.

Asahi turned his attention to Koharu when he felt a small tug on his hand. She gave him a knowing look before turning her gaze to the window. Hands still interlocked, Asahi did the same and peered through the glass. Silence poured into the compartment as the couple admired the countryside of Britain, and Karen quietly reading her newspaper. Flowers and trees painted across the landscape, while birds sung songs while flying. Nearby, was a small pond, gleaming under the gentle ray of the sun. Koharu sighed and squeezed the boy's hand. Asahi squeezed back and admired the pretty girl next to him. Her soft lavender hair, styled in a perfect bob. The way her red glasses perfectly framed her tiny face. A soft smiles appeared on the boy's face as he started rubbing circles on the back of the girl's hand.

And not too long after, they drifted off,

into a dream they shared.


What's up~ Did you enjoy the confession scene we made? Hope you did!

About the part talking about Koharu's English, both of us have words that we just simply can't pronounce properly — we're not native speakers lmao >//< 

Je t'aime,
shiny_smile_girl and _StarLightCrystal_

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