Chapter XXIV

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"Where's he? I thought you told me he'd woken up fine and all." 

The teens had been waiting for the boy's return. Almost an hour passed, and the boy came back without the person they had been looking for.

"He's not in the hospital wing, nor is he in his dorm room or in the library. I can't find him in Hogsmeade either." The blonde boy let out a despondent sigh.

"What?!" The teens gasped. "Where's he, then!?"

"I don't know!" Nozomu exclaimed, frustrated.

"Would he look for Saotome first?" Asked Subaru.

"Nah! She is currently sleeping inside her room." Mahiru immediately corrected him. But she was wrong.

"Guys!" Came a familiar high pitched voice. "I know where he is!" 

Ako Saotome ran towards the group of teens. Her face pale with distress and fear. Her eyes red and her lips quavering with nervousness they had never seen before.

"Where? Take us now!" The eight of them chorused.

"He... He is going to take suicide."


I lost everything the night I lost you.

Because I am nothing without you. 

It's been hard to be away from you. Here, thinking of you, loving you from the distance, from the silence, missing you every day, every night, trying to convince myself that being away is the best for both of us. No, I haven't forgotten you at all. I won't. Ever.

Like you, I was gifted with having a high intelligence quotient and attended courses for intellectually gifted children. However, I was also cursed. I was diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism, so I did not interact much with other students. I was shy and afraid of the tiniest things, but I still I had perfect grades. They were jealous, bullied me and I once tried taking suicide. Despite being tyrannised, I did not tell my parents about it — they will never understand me. 

Meeting you changed everything. 

You took my breath away. You looked like a doll in a princess dress. My own Princess. But I did not understand my feelings. Back then, I just wanted a friend. You were smiling at me, handing me a piece of cake, an act of kindness I had never received from my peers.

I thought we would become the bestest of friends, until when my parents carried me away without saying anything, not even asking who you were. I would never forget that moment. I felt I was a failure. I had failed in something most other children my age would handle effortlessly — making a new friend.

I was desperate to find you. I tried giving up on finding you, as I never could, and soon I developed a crush on you. Nevertheless, I started forgetting about you after I started schooling in Hogwarts. I told myself that I would never be able to find you anyways.

And I was wrong, for I saw you again. 

You were an angel sent down from heaven. Nevertheless, I could not have this little angel the heavens sent me. Because you were already taken. 

I knew our families hated each other. I knew that we would never be together, but I tried. The times I spent with you were the happiest I've ever had. It was when we were together, that I felt for the first time in my fourteen years of life, my life had a specific purpose — loving you, taking care of you until the day our lives end. For my heart is all yours.

You leaving was the biggest emotional blow I have received. 

The real reason for your 'hiatus' was, according to your parents, because they did not want to let us be together, to make us forget about each other, but it only made my heart love you even more with each passing hour. I yearned for your return. I couldn't concentrate in class. I postponed all my appointments and cancelled my Quidditch practices because the only thing my mind ever came up with, was you. It seemed to me that I was already half-dead. My grades dropped drastically since your departure that even the professors were worried about my condition. I refused to eat and enjoy entertainment throughout the Christmas holidays, spending most of the day inside my dorm room, crying, mourning your absence. Other students thought I went mad, but in reality I was. I was madly in love with you. 

Fallen Dreams - An Aikatsu Stars x Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now