Chapter VIII

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Yume Nijino eyed her new schoolmates sitting at the Hufflepuff table. The students, originally silent during her conversation with the Sorting Hat, were looking at her with joy and excitement of their faces. They clapped and cheered for her.

"She's gonna hit big in the future." Yume heard a senior of hers say as she quickly headed towards the Hufflepuff table, where Koharu saved a spot for her just in case she was sorted into the same house. "Who knows? She will be a prefect, Quidditch captain or head girl, maybe. She's a near-hatstall, just like Tsubasa Kisaragi, only that the meanie Quidditch captain gets sorted into Slytherin."

Koharu was grinning from ear to ear, happily introducing Yume to other seniors in Hufflepuff house with a big smile on her face as the sorting continued. "Félicitations, Yume! We'll be studying with each other for the next seven years!"

However, Yume was not pleased with the sorting. "I'd rather be in Gryffindor," she sighed.

"Well, that's not always the case! Hufflepuff House is full of friendly people and nice things! Look! I really wanted to be a Gryffindor too, but now I'm the youngest Quidditch captain in Hogwarts' history. Ooh, and welcome to Hufflepuff House!" Promptly interrupted a Hufflepuff senior sitting opposite them. She had royal blonde hair tied in pigtails with green eyes just like Ako's. Her tanned skin was hardly seen under the long, dark Hogwarts robes.

Yume and Koharu were a little startled by their senior. "W-What?"

Seeing their reactions, the older girl grinned and flashed a peace sign at them. "You're Yume and Koharu, aren't you?" She pointed at the girls. "My name's Yuzu! Nice to meet you both!"

"Likewise. Pleased to meet you." Koharu replied for her friend. One conversation and the senior already knew their names? Extraordinary, right?

However, Yuzu seemed to see through her mind. She looked around the Great Hall and spotted someone. "Amazing, huh?" She giggled. "I better catch up with my rival. He gets all the attention." She rolled her eyes, a look of displeasure was visible on her face.

"Saotome Ako."

Announced Elza Forte, and the students silenced at once when they heard her surname.

Yume was puzzled, and turned to Yuzu, whom peered at the redhead with interest. "Why are they silent?" She asked, pointing at the other students.

"It's because the Saotomes are well respected in the Wizarding community, I think. And because she's pretty, haha."

Well, Yuzu was right.

The young men all stared at ten year-old Ako Saotome as she slowly stepped towards the Sorting Hat. It seemed that they were all struck by her beauty and grace. In her Hogwarts uniform, she no longer had the pure, sweet and youthful vibe like while she was on the train. Her robes made her exude a mysterious and luxurious aura people would expect from an elder sister. Compared with other pupils the same age, she looked "older" in her new uniform. Not only possessing a small, pure and innocent doll-like face with large emerald eyes, she was also 'blessed' with outstanding body proportions and an extremely attractive figure.

The boy sitting next to Nozomu Igarashi at the Ravenclaw table had his eyes wide with awe. The book he was reading, Ulysses  by James Joyce , fell to the floor with a 'thud'. Even the professors were impressed with the sweet, feminine beauty and the classic, elegant temperament of Ako Saotome.

"Ahha! A Saotome, huh?" Said the Sorting Hat, recognising the ginger haired-girl. Ako nodded in return, noticing Tsubasa smiling at her from the Slytherin table. "A tricky costumer, huh? Ravenclaw or Slytherin?"

"Ravenclaw, of course!" Snapped the girl. "I was destined to be in Ravenclaw, just like my mother!"

The Sorting Hat gave her a shrill of laughter. "Wishes don't always come true, my dear."

Aria had her eyes shut, her hands shut in prayer. A prayer for Ako. She needed someone to accompany her, to guide her. And although she was almost a year older than Ako, said girl could easily confront her challenges faced in Hogwarts due to her talent and knowledge.

"Let me tell you, dear, that your house is..."


Ako Saotome slumped down next to her senior, Tsubasa, whom handed her a tissue paper.

"Don't cry, Ako. Being sorted into Slytherin doesn't mean it's the end of the world." She said gently.

Mahiru, sitting opposite her, gave her a soft smile. "I'm really happy to have such a good friend in the same house! Let's lend each other a helping hand from now on, okay? We're gonna have a lot of fun studying together!"

Ako gave the blonde a nod, but her eyes were focused on Professor McGonagall's speech. Apparently the Sorting Ceremony was finished.

"Now, I will announce this year's M4 and S4." Began the headmistress. "For new students, this programme was established the year after I became headmistress. These two units consist of four top students ranging from their second year to their sixth year, chosen according to their school results and a popularity poll held among fellow students. There is usually one student per house, but surprisingly it's not the same this year. We will announce the members of M4 and S4 first, then we will introduce your head prefects."

Proffessor McGonagall unveiled a piece of paper, and took in a deep breath.

"Members of S4. Leader. From Slytherin House, Tsubasa Kisaragi!"

Cheers echoed across the Great Hall, mainly from the Slytherins and Ravenclaws. Professor McGonagall ignored the clapping, and continued listing the members of the new girl group.

"Group members include Tsubasa herself, who is now the vice-president of the student council, along with Yozora Kasumi from Slytherin, Yuzu Nikaido from Hufflepuff, and the proud of Gryffindor House, Hime Shiratori! Please give our new team a round of applause!"

Yume's eyes sparkled as Yuzu received her badge as an S4 member from the headmistress herself. Although she and Yuzu had just met, she was happy for her senior. "I'd like to join S4 someday!" She exclaimed to Koharu, who giggled in response.

After the four members of S4 posed for a photo with the headmistress for the Daily Prophet, the students hushed so that McGonagall could announce the line-up for the male equivalent of S4.

"The members of M4 are : Subaru Yūki from Gryffindor, Asahi Kasumi from Hufflepuff, Nozomu Igarashi and Kanata Kira from Ravenclaw. Yūki will be the leader of the group." Announced Professor McGonagall, to Aria's delight. She wasn't the only one — other girls were also blushing over the young men.

Yume was busy fawning over the new S4 members. "She's really pretty!" She pointed at Hime Shiratori, a classic European beauty, with blonde hair and sapphire eyes. Koharu, however, noticed Ako and Aria blushing and stuttering at the strikingly handsome boys of M4.

The new head girl, Rei Kizeki, then gave a speech. Tsubasa noticed that her best friend couldn't help staring at Ako Saotome.

She smirked.

This is going to be fun.


Wishes don't come true after all lmaooo

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please give us a lil' vote if you did!

- the Authors

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