She is the girl who is filled with light
Has a bright future ahead of her
She is filled with laughter and love
Finally she knew what she was going to do
With her life
Until one faithfully day
She received bad news
Made her world to crumb
And come to a stop
That same girl who is filled with light
Has cancer
Only a few months to live
Feeling as her world spins around her
Not knowing how to handle it
Let alone tell her loved one about it
Her life is over she said
But what she didn't realize is
Her life has just began
She is going to encourage other
Show them their strength
Teach them how to live
Teaching them how to love
She loved everyone
with every fiber in her bones
Until her last breathe
She did what she loved
She keep on smile
And for that she will be remembered as
The girl who smiled
And loved
Through the darkest of time