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You know ever since I was a little kid
I have always been fear of
people of leaving me
Over and over again
But in the end everyone does
No matter how close you are with them
My dad started it all
He repeatedly left me
Over and over
And apologize
I forgive him
bc I wanted his love
And I loved him
But then I soon realized
it was becoming a pattern
He only came back
when I was doing good
Until I got fed up
I start acting out
Acting tough
Distancing myself
Before anyone could
leave me
Letting people hate me
Wishing someone could prove you wrong
My dad started all of this
He cause this in me
But it ends with me
I need to decide to be like my father
Or do better?
I chose do better
I began to trust slowly
Guessing if I'm doing it right
Then I realized how much
You need to be careful
who you trust
Even the best people hide
have the most deceitful heart
Wanting for you to trust them
Like a villain in the night
So they can tear you down
And through back into your face

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