NaJ Errormare

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A/N:  HELLOOOO IM BBAAACCCK!!! :D sorry for the long wait! :( I finally got motivation!!! I hope you enjoy this!!!
TWS!! Cheating, angst!




Error smiled brightly as he walked down the hallways of the school. A small hum escaping his lips. He was heading towards inks classroom.

Him and ink have been together for a while now, error has never been happier. He loves ink with his whole being. He was so happy when ink first asked him on a date.

He reached the classroom and walked in. A blush present on his face. He smiled brightly and greeted his boyfriend.

"Hello inky!" Error said with joy.

Ink turned towards error and smiled softly. He had something planned. Something error wont be expecting. Hopefully he would like it.

Hes going to propose.

"Hello there dear. Are you doing alright today?" Ink asked with a small smile.

Error giggled softly and nodded.

"Yes inky! Now that I'm here with you!" Error smiled while his yellow blush spread across his face.

Ink smiled and sighed. It was good to hear his lover was doing alright.

"Well then, can you come here for a moment?" Ink asks with a rainbow blush spread across his face.

Error smiled. Though he was curious, he ignored it and did as ink said.

He walked towards the art teacher and smiled up at him.

"What do you need inky?" Error asks softly.

Ink smiled softly and reached back in his pocket. He pulled out a small box and held it tightly within his hand, concealing the box from veiw.

"Well error, I have a question for you. But first, I want you to know that I love you forever alright?" Ink said with a small smile.

Error blushed brightly and nodded. He loved ink very much. He never doubted him.

"Of course inky! I love you too!" Error said happily.

Ink smiled and sighed. He slowly got down on one knee and opened the box. Inside was a beautiful ring.

Error gasped as his eyes widened. Was ink really doing this..? Was he really going to...

"Error...will you marry me...?" Ink asks nervously, but still had a smile.

Error felt tears steam down his face as his blush grew stronger. Ink proposed.

He was going to be married to the love of his life.

Error nodded and jumped into his now fiance's arms. Snuggling into his chest.

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