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A/N: this is very cringey. This is top ink bottom error. It's the only version of of errink I will write 😅😅 sorry!


Error sighed as he awaited inks arrival again...

Error and ink had started dating a few months back. It was only till they made a truce error was able to be free from fates grasp, let alone have some downtime.

Error never really seemed intrested in relationships. He was pretty skeptical about this relationship with ink at first, I mean they had fought non stop for eons.

A while before error and ink made the truce, nightmare had come forward about the negative and positive balance. Yeah, everyone at first was shocked. But they got over it...dream still feels terrible...

But that's besides the point! The star sanses and the bad sanses, who are now called the 'setback stars' are now at peace. No more fighting...

A while after the truce error and ink had gotten closer, after learning about  about eachother and opening up. Ink finally built up the courage to ask error out. With nightmares permission of course.

When error had said yes. Things have been much better. Error, who finnaly got over his fear of touch. Is now very touch starved. Causing him to be very clingy with ink...

Right now, ink is checking over the multiverse for any bugs or glitches. Meaning hes been out of the house. Error is not very happy about it, but he knows that it has to be done.

Error fiddled with his strings on the couch of the couples living room. He sighs and looks up from his strings. Ink being gone is not very fun.

Error stood up and walked over to his room. He walked through the door and shut it.

Error surprisingly, was very creative. Despite being the former forced god of destruction. He used a lot of his down time making puppets and clothing.

He walked over to his closet and opened the door. He took down a pair of jean shorts and tee shirt. Both of them being the same color scheme as the rest of his clothes.

Error slowly walked into inks room, not completely sure if he should be doing this or not. He walked over to his boyfriends closet and opened the door. He quickly scanned the clothing items and took one down.

It was a cream color hoodie, one of inks favored hoodies. He holds on to it as he walks back to his room.

Error closes the door to his room. He slips off his clothes and puts his new, clean ones on. He quickly scanned himself over making sure that he looked at least presentable.

He then looked over at the hoodie and blushed a light yellow...

Ink wouldn't mind...right? Error reached over and grabbed the hoodie. He quickly slipped it over his head.

The hoodie was pretty big for him. It went down to his knees, and went past his hands.

Error smiled lightly and held on to the hoodie tightly...

The hoodie made him wish ink was here more....he wished that ink would just come home now...

But error knew he had had warned error about some glitches that needed to be fixed...

But that doesn't stop him from missing him...

Error curled up in a ball and snuggled into his boyfriends hoodie.

Slowly, he felt sleep consume him.

•an hour later•

Ink stepped through the door of his and errors house. There had been quite a few glitches and bugs in the multiverse. They took quite a while to fix.

Ink had made sure to fix all of the issues. And even double checked the multiverse, just to prevent anymore glitches.

He wanted to spend as much time as he can with error. He knows about his issues with being alone and touched starved.. ..

Ink blushed at the thought of error...he loves error with all of his soul...

Ink quickly slipped off his gear and sighed. He walked over to his room and opened the door. He walked in and went over to his closet.

Ink made a confused face once he saw a hoodie of his was missing. He shrugged and quickly changes into a tee shirt and sweatpants.

He walks out of his room and walks over to errors. He slowly opens the door. Ink blushes rainbow as he sees his boyfriend fast asleep wearing his hoodie.

Ink smiled softly and closed the door.

"Sleep well glitchy.." ink whispers and walks away.

•2 hours later•

Errors eyes flutter open, he looks around and sits up.

Oh,...that's right...

Error sighed and clung onto the hoodie. He stumbled out of bed and over to his door. He opend the door and walked out to the living room.

Error stretched and let out a yawn.

He rubbed his eyes as he entered the living room.

Ink smiled lightly as he saw error some into the rooms. He blushes rainbow and stands up.

"Hey glitchy" ink says softly, gaining the others attention.

Error looks over at ink quickly and blushes. He smiles and runs over to his boyfriend.

"I-Inky!" Error says while hugging ink tightly. Ink blushed and smiled. He hugged the smaller skeleton back and kissed his skull.

Error blushed and smiled. Ink blushed and smirks at error.

"Is my hoodie comfortable?" Ink asks the smaller skeleton.

Error blushes and looks at the ground.

"I-im sorry I-i took it! I-i just m-missed you...i-i can take it off!" Error says panicked, while trying to take off the hoodie to give to ink.

Ink sighed sadly and hugged error.

Ink knew that error was on edge...but it still hurts to see him so afraid of him...

"Its fine error, please keep it on. You look cute in it." ink says and smiles softly.

Error blushes and hides his face in inks shirt.

"I love you error"

"I love y-you to ink..."


Holy mother of jesus this is cringey-

Pls forgive me for how bad this is QmQ

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