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A/N: sooo- this is going to be fluffy!!! UwU this will contain pet names!
Dom geno!
Sub Reaper!

Reaper walks over to geno and hugs him tightly. A bright smile on his face due to seeing his boyfriend.

Reaper has always been clingy with geno. Geno knows how hes touch starved. So he tries his best to help reaper all he can.

Geno blushes and smiles softly. He pulled reaper to his chest and held him close.

Geno had nothing against affection. He was just stubborn at first. But once reaper told him about his issue, he was very quick to help him. He always gave him as much attention as he needed. The touch has helped them both a lot. It has helped them both grow closer.

Reaper felt love in his soul. He loved geno a lot. Hes helped him so much. He felt so lucky to have someone as amazing as geno to be his boyfriend. He always made sure he has the attention he needs to stay healthy.

Geno smiled softly at the skeleton in his arms. He loved reaper dearly. He found it adorable how clingy he was. Originally it annoyed him. But now, hes just glad hes happy.

"Hello reaper" geno said sweetly and smiled.

"hi geno!" Reaper smiles and looks up at his boyfriend.

Geno blushed softly. He cupped reapers face in his hand and closed the gap between the two of them. Causing a bright blush to spread across both of their faces.

Reaper leans into the kiss. Love and passion envelops both of their souls.

The two pull apart with love in their eyes. Reaper placed his head on genos chest and smiled softly.

Geno smiled and teleported them both on the bed.

The two would usually just lay in bed and cuddle. It was a silent way of saying they love eachother.

Reaper snuggles closer to genos chest and blushes.

He was glad geno was there for him. He had no clue what he would do of he wasn't here. And he doesn't want to find out. He felt happy around geno. He felt like he could be himself around him. Reaper felt safe and loved. Two things he had never experienced when he was young.

He was always known as a bad guy. Due to a job he was cursed with since he was created. Many monsters in many universes hated him. Due to this, he was often looked down on and taunted. When he met geno, he had at least someone to talk to.

At the time, geno didn't exactly enjoy reapers company. But as time passed, he started gaining feelings towards reaper. He started to enjoy and loom forward to his visits.

It was only until they first got together they realized their roles in eachother lives, were much more important than just a friendship.

"I love you baby." Geno said softly and wrapped his arms around reapers waist.

Reaper has made such a positive impact on his life. He realized how important something can be. Just being friends with reaper had changed his life for the better. It's funny to thing that only a few years ago he was struggling to get away from reapers hold. Now hes currently holding reaper in his arms, with joy and unconditional love in his soul.

Reaper has helped him grow. Hes helped him see just how amazing life can be. Reaper has given him something to live for.

Geno looked down at reaper and made sure that he was asleep. He bent down and kissed his skull.

Geno blushed softly and put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.

Geno smiled softly and blushed. He opened the box and looked at the ring inside.

He just had to wait for the right time...

They could live happily together, forever.

Geno closed the box and placed it back in his pocket. He looked back down at reaper.

A small blush crept up to his face.

'Soon my love....soon...'


A/N: part two? And I apologize if this doesn't make much sense! But I hope you enjoy it anyways!

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