Geno x reaper

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A/N: once again, this is dom geno QwQ i dont know why but I really like after death with dom geno! Its adorable!QwQ geno is also able to leave the save screen!


Geno sighs and looks around....hes been waiting for reaper for a while now...he usually shows up around this time...

He began to grow worried....reaper is usually on time...early even! But hes never late!

A portal opens up behind him...hope fills genos soul...

He turns around to see reaper, with a happy expression on his face...

Geno sighed out of relief and patted the ground next to him, where reaper happily sat.

"Sorry I was late!..." reaper says with remorse in his voice.

Geno smiles softly. "Its alright reaper!"

Reaper smiles brightly and a dark hue dusts his cheeks. Geno couldn't help but notice his friends excitment...did he miss something?..

"What are you so excited about? Did I miss out on something?" Geno asks with a confused look.

Reaper smiled and giggled, causing reapers cheeks to heat up.

"Hehe! Nope! But I'm hanging out with error tomorrow!" Reaper says and smiles.

Geno felt jealousy rise in him...what if error steals reaper away from him!...

Geno sighed and smiles bitterly at reaper, but tried not to make it obvious..

"May i come...?" Geno asks while taking a hold of reapers hand.

Reaper blushes softly and smiles.

"Sure you can! I'm sure error wont mind!" Reaper says with a smile.

Geno sighs...hes gonna have a talk with error...

_the next day_

Reaper and geno walk through a portal that leads to the anti-void.

Error looks behind him and sees reaper, with geno.

It's not that he cared really. It's just he knew what was coming.

"Hey reaps! Hey geno!" Error says with a smile.

Reaper smiles and walks over to error and hugs him tightly.

"Hello error!" Reaper says happily.

Geno glared at error as error hugs reaper back...

Reaper is HIS...

___ a few hours later___

The two walked back into the save screen...reaper was immediately spun back around...

Geno glared at reaper as he wrapped his arms around reapers waist...

Geno was furious...the way he and error would hug...and made him mad...

"Reaper...what is your relationship with him..?" Geno asks with a stern voice...

Reaper blushed softly at how close the two were...

"W-well, error is like my friend!" Reaper says with a small smile...

Geno sighs and hugs reaper close...

"U-uhm...geno?" Reaoer asks confused...why was l geno acting like this...?

"Reaper...I need to tell you something...." geno says while lifting reapers head to look at him.

Reaper blushed a little bit...

"Y-yes?" Reaper asks with confusion...

Reaper has liked geno for a long time...but...hes afraid that geno wont like him...

"I love you..." geno says and caresses reapers cheek...

Reaper blushes brightly and smiled softly...

"R-really...?" Reaper asks...

Geno nods and pulls reaper closer....

"I-i love you too..." reaper says and smiles with a soft blush on his face...

Geno blushed brightly and closed the gap between the two of them...

Reaper blushes and kisses him back...

Reaper blushed brightly and held onto geno tightly...

Geno laughed a bit and smiled down at reaper...


A/N: oml this is so bad- I'm so so sorry QmQ I had to get something out- this is also all over the place! This probably doesn't make sense-

And if you dont mind! Please check my announcements! I have a very important question! Thank you!

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