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A/N - Hey guys! I'm getting back into some requests now! I apologize for taking so long!

I'm going out of order a bit, because I usually write at night, and it usually isn't a great idea to stay up so late. I'm doing the less complex ones first, but when I have more time to write I'll for sure get to the others!

Warning!!! This will have mentions of violence, blood, scars, and gore! Please click away if you are uncomfortable with any of these topics!!!

This oneshot was requested by Mkiaaa !!!!

I hope this is alright! Let me know what you think :)


Reaper gasped for air, he tried to teleport but he couldn't. He was too weak. His mind was cloudy, and his vision was nearly gone. His wounds throbbed in pain as his blood stained the glistening snow.

It was frigid out, and he felt himself falling in and out of consciousness. He couldn't breathe properly, but didn't dare to ask for help. Why would anyone help him anyway?

Reaper replayed the scenes in his mind from what had just happened merely 5 minutes ago.

'He had been doing his daily rounds to every au, sensing for lost souls. This was his job, and it wasn't a pleasant one.

Everywhere he went, he was tormented and harassed. He was called a monster nearly 10 times each day, maybe even more.

He was at his last stop of the day. He was in an au that was unfamiliar. One he had never been to before. Ink must've just made it recently.

This au was evidently violent, souls were everywhere. He couldn't count them all if he tried. He saw piles of dust everywhere he went, blood puddles and splatters were smeared on almost everything. The aroma of the place was eerie and depressing.

Reaper had thought that he heard footsteps following him, he scanned his surroundings, but didn't see any threat. He continued through the au, keeping his gaurd up.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks. His blood ran cold as a gut - wrenching feeling stuck his body. He looked down to see a bone attack, sticking out through his ribs.

Blood began to seep through his robe as the shock wore off, and the pain started to rise.

The attacks didn't stop there.

More pain and blood followed through the next few minutes.

"" '


Error watched in horror from the anti - void. He needed to get to Reaper, quickly.

He made a portal as quickly as he could, he about bolted through it. The code was new, and unfamiliar. He watched what had happened to reaper, he needed to watch his back.

Error quickly made his way through the au, desperate to find his friend.

The sight of reapers robes soon came into veiw, relief filled errors soul. Hopefully he wasn't too late...

Error approached reapers limp body. He felt tears pool in his eyes. Error bent down and placed a hand on reapers chest. He felt the shaky rise and fall from his unsteady breathing. He was heartbroken. How could he let this happen?...

Error scooped up the smaller skeleton in his arms and made a portal, they needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Error bolted through the portal to the anti - void. He quickly laid reaper down and got to healing.


The process was long, but worth it. Error was drained of most of his energy. But at least reaper was healed, and safe.

Reapers eyes slowly opened, the brightness nearly blinded him. He felt his body ache.

He barley remembered anything, the last thing he remembered was being attacked. Then, it's a blank.

Error noticed his stirring.

"H-hey alright?" Error asks, a small smile on his face.

Reaper smiled back, he sat up the best he could and embraced error.

Error blushed a bright yellow, and returned the hug.

"Thank you Error..."

"Of course, love..."

The name made reaper blush.

"H-huh!?" Reaper asked, flustered.

Error laughed, and just kept Reaper in in his arms. All he cared about was that he was safe.

Reaper didn't break the silence, but relaxed into Errors arms. He felt safe with Error.

The two stayed in eachothers arms, enjoying eachothers company in the calming silence of the anti - void.

All they needed in that moment was eachother. And they were completely okay with that.


I really hope you guys enjoyed this! It was very fun to write! Well, as fun as angst can get-

Let me know what you think! I love you all! :)

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