Errormare part 2!

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A/N: part two! Requested oneshots will be done soon! Please if you have requested something and it has not been done yet, please comment your request! I would really appreciate it! I want to make sure that nobodys requests are missed! Thank you! Also! Submissive nightmare!!!!!!! Cause sub nightmare equals a LOT of fluff and feels!!!!

Error layed in his bed, thinking about his feelings. He was still confused about it. Hes never exactly felt this way around anyone else. He wonders if nightmare feels the same way. Does he know what this is?

He has also noticed how nightmare has acted a bit strange around him latley. Especially a few moments ago when he scolded him. It seemed almost as if he was scared of error.

Error noticed how his questions began to grow repetitive. Though they are important, repeating himself wont get him anywhere.

Error sat up on his bed and swung his legs over the side of his bed. He stood up and walked over door, maybe he should ask nightmare about this? He probably knows more about it than he does.

Error closes his eyes and teleports to the outside of nightmares room. Error sighs and knocks on the door three times.

There was shuffling from inside the room, error could also swear he heard quiet sobs from inside the room. Which began to make error worry.

The door opened and he was met with nightmare, who looked like he had been crying. Which made errors concern grow.

"NiGhTmaRE? HaVe YoU bEeN crYiNG?" Error asks with concern hinting his voice.

He truly was concerned, nightmare never crys. And if he did, it would always be where nobody at all could even know where he is.

Nightmare looked taken aback by this question. Didn't he cover it enough? Was it that obvious? Well that's just great, now error sees him as weak.

Nightmare sighs and shakes his head.

"No, I have not been crying. Leave me alone." Nightmare says and attempts to shut his door. But it was stopped by error keeping it open using his hand.

"NiGhTmArE, TeLl mE ThE TrUtH." Error said sternly. He was truly worried for nightmare. He may not exactly know why hes worried, but he does and that's all that matters in the moment.

Nightmare stayed silent. Not wanting to possibly show weakness again. Especially around error.

"I-i..I l-leave!" Nightmare yells and attempts to push error away from his door, yet error stayed put.

Error sighs, noticing nightmares actions were out of line. Nor were they normal. Error took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around nightmares small figure.

Nightmare blushed brightly and froze. His crush was hugging him. Nightmares sould filled with happiness and hugged error back.

Error sighs and pulls back, much to nightmares disliking.

"So, ArE YoU gOiNG To TeLl mE WhAtS WrOnG? I WaNt To hElP yOu." Error says while looking down at nightmare.

Error wanted to help nightmare. He dosen't want anyone to feel like he did long ago. The loneliness and depression. He will make sure that nightmare never feels like that.

Nightmare blushes as the thought about what would happen if he told error the real reason. Would he return his feelings? Ir would he reject him...?(nightmare is a hardcore simp for error 😏😌)

"W-well....u-uhm....i-i cant tell you...n-not yet at least..." nightmare mumbles and looks down at the ground.

Nightmare didn't want error to see his weak side, as much as he wants to show it to him. He dosen't want error to judge him and think hes weak...

Error sighs, something is clearly up with nightmare. Maybe he should change the subject? Maybe that would lighten the mood.

"AlRiGhT tHeN. BuT I HaVe A qUesTIoN" error says with a spark of curiosity.

Nightmare sighs in relief and looks up at error. But he was curious, what did he want to ask?

"Yes?" Nightmare asks with curiosity. Error never usually asks questions. Hes more the type to figure it out himself.

"WeLl ThErE iS ThIs ThInG IvE beEn FEeLiNg ArOunD YoU latLeY. Do YoU kNoW whAT iT iS?" Error asks with confusion.

Hes been trying to figure this out for a while. The soul beating. The warm cheeks. The fuzzy feeling. It's all so peculiar. Hes never heard of something like that.

A but of hope filled nightmares soul. What if it was love he was feeling?

"Well...describe it" nightmare says with a tiny of blush.

This could be his chance! If error feels the same way, maybe...they really can be together...maybe nightmare will be able to open up to error...

"WeLl, It MaKeS mY SOuL bEaT fAsTeR wHeN iM AroUnD yOu. ThE tHoUgHt oF yOu mAkEs My FaCe WarM."  Error continues to list the occurrences that happen when hes woth nightmare.

Nightmare blushes brightly and smiles slightly. Error is in love with him. Nightmare quickly hugs error tightly.

Error blushes brightly and looks down at nightmare. He was confused. Why was nightmare hugging him? But, despite his confusion...he liked it...

Error wrapped his arms around nightmare returning the hug. It was warm and welcoming.

"E-error....w-what you're love..." nightmare mumbled looking up at error...

Error was shocked...he loved nightmare....blush spread across errors face.

"D-dO yOu FeeL tHe sAmE tHen?" Error asks with hope in his voice.

He hopes nightmare feels the same. Nightmare is the first person he ever loved.

"Y-yes...i-i do..." nightmare mumbles and smiles softly...

Nightmare was beyond happy. he now had someone to love. Someone to be with. Someone he could open up to.

"WeLl tHeN. NIgHtmAre, WiLl YoU. Be mY....LovEr?" Error asks with a blush spread across his face.

Nightmare blushed brightly and smiled...

"Y-yes!" Nightmare says and smiles..

Him and error were officially together...

He had someone. Finally.

And he was finnaly happy.

_years later_

Nightmare was cuddled up to errors chest. Error had his arms wrapped around nightmare with a small smile on his face.

After error had gotten use to the feeling around nightmare, him and night grew closer as lovers.

Nightmare was very submissive at times. He was very emotional.

Nightmare loved error a lot. He was finnaly able to confide in someone. He trusted error with his life.

Error planted a gentle kiss on top of nightmares head and held him close.

"I LovE yOu nIghTmAre" error mumbled as he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep with nightmare in his arms...


A/N: this is bad! I'm sorry! I hope you all like it though! Here is your daily dose of sub nightmare UwU

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