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A/N - I have made my return once again! :D I'm gonna attempt to bust a few oneshots out. Please keep an eye on my announcments tab! Im going to make a post there explaining a few things. Afterwards the same message will be posted in my main stories.

Anyways, this oneshot was requested by Akiarasun!!!

TW!!! - This oneshot will describe dipictions of gore and death. If you're not comfortable with the themes listed, please click off now.

(for the sake of the story, im going to make geno and error brothers here!!!)


If you asked Geno what happened, he wouldn't be able to tell you. Though, he also wouldn't be able to forget. It all happened so fast, yet it seemed like it happened in slow motion. Even thinking about what occurred was enough to send him into a breakdown due to a flashback.

Who would have known that a plan for a date could cause the death of his soulmate.

The plan was simple, Geno and Reaper would take a trip to Outertale. Error had reccomended the AU as a place to take Reaper. He knew that Reaper loved stars, so he thought it could be a fun, quiet place for a date. Just the two of them in the company of eachother.

All was going well, reaper absoloutley adored the veiw. It was cute to see how he lit up upon seeing the stars. Until a certain somone intruded on their wouting.  Nobody other than the famous protector and creator of aus. Ink sans.

See, Ink an Reaper never had good history. Ink always veiwed him as a bad guy who destroys souls for fun. Similar to how he saw Error, and Nightmare, and just about anyone on the negative side of the balance. Ink was never fond of Geno either, he felt as if he was a traitor for associating himself with the 'bad guys'.

It was clear that upon arrival, Ink was looking to start a fight.

After that, things became blurry. Perhaps its his brain blocking it out. All he knew from there was it wasnt good. He tried to help Reaper, he tried to save him. But the power ink held was no match for geno. Ink just threw him back like a discrded toy. He remembers the way inks blaster was about to come down on himself, and he also remembered the way Reaper jumped infront of it, blocking the attack for Geno, but nearly killing himself while protecting the other.

Everything after that was black.

He remembered waking up in the blood stained snow beneath him, confused, and alone. Wasn't he just on a date with Reaper? and then it hit him.

His eyes darted around the area, searching for his lover, until he spotted a cloaked figure laying in the snow beside him. He rusehd over to Reaper, but could already tell the state he was in.

There was blood. So. Much. Bood.

He saw particals of dust blow in the wind. Tears escaped his eyes as he scooped reaper up into his arms, embracing his lifeless body.

He cried.

He screamed

He pleaded

But he knew nothing could bring him back.

His throat was raw from screaming, he could only watch as his beloved reaper disenegrated into thin air, leaving nothing behind but his black cloak. It was done, there was nothing to do.

He. was. gone...




He could only sit an think of what he could have done to save him. How he ciuld have taken him somewhere else. How he could have stood up to ink instead of taking his abuse.

but he didn't do any of that.

and now, reaper is gone.

He was still in shock. He didn't know what to do. he was lost without Reaper.

He made a portal to the only place he knew to go, Nightmares mansion. Reaper hung out with the gang often. They were all like family there.

He stood inside of the mansion with a blank, empty exspression on his face.

Nightmare walked into the room, sensing the wave of negative energy that had just flooded in. He noticed Geno, and immedeatly knew that it was coming from him.

Nightmare had then called down his boyfriend, and genos brother, error. Something was wrong, and he knew error needed to know.

Geno spent hours at the mansion sobbing in errors arms. It was the only thing he could do to stop himself from going insane.

He knew he ha to accept it, but he didn't want to.

Reaper was gone, and he is not coming back.


A/N - I hope you all liked this! its a bit different from my regular perspective of writing, but i hope its still good :)

ngl, i almost cried writing this....

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