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A/N: this was requested by Trashy_matey!!! This will have two parts to it! One will be platonic and another will be romantic!
Here is the romantic one!
Dom! Nightmare
Sub! Horror


Nightmare called his teammates into the kitchen for dinner.

Surprisingly nightmare had learned how to cook. All the food horror had made usually contained human remains.

The gang piled into the kitchen and took their seats. Waiting patiently to be served.

Nightmare smiled softly at them and placed the plates of food in front of each of them.

Nightmare served himself some food and sat down next to horror and error. Nightmare took a hold of horrors hand and squeezed it gently.

Thanks yous were heard from around the table. Evreyone started eating. Well, besides horror. Which nightmare took quick notice to.

"Horror, is something wrong? Why aren't you eating?" Nightmare asks concerned.

Nightmare knew about horrors past with food. Usually horror would immediately start eating. He was starved for the longest time in his au.

It was unlike him. Which made nightmare concerned for his boyfriend.

Horror looked down at his plate. An upset expression on his face. Horror felt tears poke at his eyes.

Horror was sent out on a mission today by nightmare. He didn't mind it, but it definitely wasn't the best thing ever. He much rather have been cuddling with nightmare.

While he was out, monsters called him names and yelled insults at him. Causing horror to feel extremely insecure about himself. He felt like a slob.

"A-am...am I a pig...? D-do I eat too much...?" Horror asks softly, gaining all of the others attention.

Nightmares aura grew dangerous. Nightmare cursed violent intentions towards the person the made horror feel this way.

"Horror. You are in no way a pig. You are perfect the way you are. We all understand what you had to go through." Nightmare said sternly.

Horror blushes softly.

"Hes right horror. We understand. We all care for you a lot. We dont and never will judge you." Error reassured with a small smile on his face.

The others nodded in agreement.

A smile formed on horrors face.

"T-thank you guys...i-it means a lot...." horror mumbles.

Nightmare smiles and kisses horrors cheek.

"Now eat up. You need food in your system. Afterwards we can cuddle all you want okay?" Nightmare says with a blush tinting his cheeks.

Horror nodded quickly and started eating quickly. He wanted cuddles.


A/N: sorry this wasn't exactly how you asked it to be! But I still hope you enjoyed it! The other version will be out after I get a few more done!

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