Ink x Error

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A/N: alrighty! So this will have some spanish in it! This oneshot was requested! Thank you for the request! I will tag you at the end of the oneshot! Please excuse the poor spanish in this one! I will be using google translate so not everything with be correct! I apologize!


Error held onto his scarf tightly as he tries to shut out the voices of the anti-void...

Tears run down his face as he recalls the incident that led to his only sense of guidance being killed....

The vision never leaves his replays over and over again...

Error refuses to let anyone close again....he can't ever be sure they wint leave...

Trust is something error has very little to none of...hes too scared of letting go....

All of the sudden, a portal opening jars errors was here...error could practically feel the mischief radiating off of him....

Error was silently pleading that ink would just leave...but that will never never gives up. Ever.

Error could hear inks footsteps echoing through the anti-void...he could tell ink was angry...hes learned to take notice on all the things that hint inks emotions. That way he could be able to predict his reactions. It gave him a huge  advantage in battle...

Ink walked up to error...knowing full well he knew what his intentions were....

Ink pulled out his brush and sighed....

"Error..." ink said in a warning voice...

Error flinched visibly at the others sounded....diffrent....

"W-what Ink...?" Error asked with slight annoyance in his voice....

Ink smirks and quickly teleports in front of error, catching him off gaurd...

Ink splashed purple paint over errors arms and legs...

Error shouts and protests grow quiet as ink puts a blanket over errors nose an mouth...

Ink WILL get answers....

_time skip, at inks place_

Error struggled in the chains as he awoke from a nightmare...more like a memory....

Once error realized he was tied up he began to panic....tears built in his eyes as the boundaries holding him down clash together as his moving gets more persistent...

Fear arises in the glitching skeletons soul as errors fill up his eyes...a noise could be heard from across the room only feeding into errors panic...

Ink inches closer to the struggling was confused to say the least...why was he crying..?

Ink couldn't help but feel a small bit of sorrow for error...he is a sans...

Maybe there is more to error than he thought...?

Ink walked over to error and placed a hand in his shoulder...only for error to cry out in fear...and...Spanish!?..

"¡¡No me toques !!" Error yells as he struggles against the restraints....
(Dont touch me!!)

More tears gather in his glitched eyes...

Ink felt something ping in his soul...he needs to know what happened to make error so fearful of a single touch..

Quiet glitchy sobs echoed through the figures out quickly that error cant see due to the errors in his eyes...

Ink sighs...maybe...if he was calm...he would get answers....

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