Error x reaper 2

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A/N: hey y'all! Please read the author's note at the end...its very important...thank you..


Error teleported back the their house with reaper in his arms...

"B-babe! I said i-im fine!" Reaper says while blushing softly....

Error sighs and sets reaper down on the bed while reaching for a medical kit...

"Reaper're injured..."  error says while patching up the scrapes and cuts in reapers body...

While the two were in battle with ink reaper got a bit hurt....

Error kisses the top of reapers skull with a small blush...

Reaper blushes and smiles softly..

"Thank you love..." reaper says while smiling at error.

Error nods and gets into bed next to reaper. They were working almost all was almost dark out...

Error wraps his arms around reapers waist and holds him close. They were both very tired....

Reaper smiles and snuggles into his boyfriends chest with a soft smile...

"I love you error..." reaper says with a small smile on his face....

Error brings a hand up to place on reapers cheek...he caresses his cheek and leans down to place a gentle kiss on reapers lips...

Reaper leans into the kiss and wraps his arms around reapers neck...

The two pull apart blushing softly...

"I love you too sweetheart..." error says while rubbing the side of reapers skull. Causing him to smile softly..

Error sighs with a bit of regret...he hates how reaper was pulled into this balance puts him in danger...

Reaper notices his boyfriends upset expression...reaper grows concerned for error...

Reaper knew something was up...but he also knew that error wasn't going to tell him....easily that is....

Error is very important to reaper...just like reaper is very important to error...they know when one of them is upset....

Error is stubborn...he doesn't budge...reaper has tried to help him be more honest about his emotions...but reaper knows errors past...after he became error and before they reunited...

Reaper sighs and kisses error cheek, causing error to blush a little.

"What's wrong love? Please be honest with me.." reaper says while snuggling closer to error in attempt to comfort him....

Error wraps his arms tighter around reapers waist, causing reaper to blush a lot.

"Its nothing reaps..." error says while faking a smile...

Reaper huffed cutely causing error to blush...

"You're adorable reaper" error says with a small, real smile on his face.

Reaper blushes brightly and hides his face in errors shirt...

"N-no I'm not!" Reaper says while looking up at reaper. A light blush spread across his face.

Error chuckled and kisses reapers skull.

"Yes you are. Stop saying you aren't. You're my boyfriend and you're very adorable and cute. I love you so much" error lectures reaper, who was blushing brightly while looking up at error with an embarrassed expression..

Reaper holds on to error shirt tightly while attempting to hide his face...

Error smiled at his embarrassed boyfriend and holds him close and protectively...

Reaper blushes and closes his eyes as he feels errors arms tighten around him...

Error smiles and keeps him close...


A/N: this was pure fluff QwQ I really enjoyed writting this! I hope you liked this!

But on a serious note...I'm very sorry...please check out my recent announcement...I would like to apologize for my actions...can we please try to move past this..? I understand if not...I'm so sorry...I made a stupid mistake that I will not repeat...I'm so sorry....

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