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Requested by GoshItsMeAgain !!!!

I hope you enjoy this though! :D
Slight TW!!!! - mnetions of SH and implied cussing!!!

The silence said enough.


or so hes heard thousands of times. From thousandas of people all over the multiverse.

Maybe they were wrong. But he didn't care. He knew they didn't.

The scars were countless. Some were fresh, some were old. Some were accidental. Some were purposeful.

But most importantly, some were self inflicted.

Error didn't want to die. He wanted to suffer.

He wanted to pay for what hes done.

Maybe this wasn't the way. But who was going to stop him?



Error kept his head down, but his gaurd up. When you're a destroyer, an embodiment of evil, you could never slip. One wrong move, one wrong encounter, could leave you turned to dust. It wasn't his fault though He didn't choose this.

He quickly, but quietly, srolled over to his favorite spot in outertale. It was a ciff with a drop off. It had the most wonderful veiws of all the stars and constallations. It was his happy place.

He comes here to relax. Even if only for a few moments. Not many things could calm him down, but if anything could, its stars.

Error feels the all too familiar tingle of an unfortunate presence. He knew what was coming. Its a routine. One hes getting really sick of.

The ink blob, the almighty, never can do any wrong, creator of universes. Although the title dosen't quite fit, its what everyonemwants, so its what they see.

The footsteps that crept up on him urged him closer to bolting. Though Ink and Error can have their good times, the bad often out weighs any good that may come out of their relationship.

He heard the footsteps stop. He was preparing himslef mentally for whatever words were about to come from the ink stains mouth. Though, no amount of mental prep could have prepared error for what Ink had to say.

"Error, what the actual [ REDACTED }." This took error by suprise.

"Pardon?" Error spun aroud to meet Inks gaze. He was met with blank, angry eyes. But it wasn't the tyoical ' stop destroying aus ' kind of anger. This was sadness, maybe even concern?

Ink clenched his teeth and held out his hand. He revealed razors, with dried blood covering them. Error was too stunned to speak. All he could do was stare at the contents of the others hand.

"Would you mind explaining to me wgat this is all about?" Ink asked firmly. He wasn't happy. Neither was Error.

Why does he care anyways?

"I...uhm..." He couldn't answer. He didn't know how to. This was the LAST thing he expected.

Ink sighed and took a deep breath. He didn't know why he felt this was. He didn't know why he cared. He didn't want to further upset error, But he couldn't just wait around and let this happen.

Ink sat down next to Error, and hugged him. It was a meaningful, warm moment.

Error felt himself glitching out. but soon he felt his eyes getting teary. He needed this. He wanted this.

After a moment, Ink spoke softly.

"please, stop doing this to yourself..."

"I will, I promise"


was it decent?

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