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AN/ Hey guys!I apologize for my lack of activity latley! Ive been having a lot of issues with motivation. Things are kinda chaotic right now as well. I appriciate your paitence. Ive also come up with a somewhat more efficient posting syle. Im going to altrnate between my own personal oneshots and requests. It gives me more time to think of my own ideas as well as write y'alls :) This will hopefully give me more motivation. I hope you all enjoy these oneshots! Even if they're kinda repetative :').

a lot of my writing won't be great since i still need to get my swing back, but im getting there :)

Ayways, enjoy!!!

Error observed his surroundings from afar. His teammates were talking with their boss. He prefered to stay out of meetings unless he absolutley needeed to be there, which wasn't very often. Things tended to get heated and chaotic pretty quickly. Then again, Nightmare usually puts a stop to that as soon as it starts.

Error dosen't think of Nightmare as a boss as much as another teammate. He could easily match the other's strength. He could probably even surpass him in power. Nightmare himself dosen't much care for that information. He dosen't exactly like the fact that his control over Error is limited. Unlike the other hooligans he leads, Error can actually manage himself. However, this is exactly what Nightmare respects him for. Even if he'd rather die than admit it.

Everything has been obnoxiously hectic latley. Both Error and the gang have been running around like wildfire.

Nightmare has been needing to maintain the balance he shares with his brother, and make sure his monkeys don't get themselves killed. Its Totallt not because he cares about them or anything (he does).

Error on the otherhand, has been trying his best to avaid the wrath of ink, who can't seem to comprehend the idea of universal balance. All inks been doing this whole week is creating new aus that disrupt the balance. The Error has to go in and restore it. Tis whole week has been a constant back and forth battle between the two.

On top of all of that, Errors started to...feel something. Which isn't completley out of the ordinary. Its what hes feeling thats the problem. 

He knows what it is, but thats even worse. Hes in love. And to make matters worse, hes in love with Nightmare.

This is NOT good. Nightmare would never, EVER, feel that srot of way for Error. or anyone for that matter. Which only makes it worse. At first, when he started noticing his feelings, he wasn't sure he even wanted a relationship. Even if he did like him, what would be the point? But as times passed, he realized more about his emotions. He did want Nightmare to like him back. He wanted to be with him.

He caught himself staring at the group ahead of him a little to long. Although, his gaze was mainly fixed on Nightmare. If Nightmare himself saw it, that wouldn't end well.

Error sighed and covered his face, trying to get the bright yellow blush that covered his cheeks to go away. Or at least subside a little. He couldn't act on his emotions. Not anytimes soon at least. He needed to keep his focus on the balance.

Error jumped at the sensation of a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at the source. To his suprise, it was NIghtmare.

"See me in my office. Now" He spoke sternly. But didn't seen too angry.

Errors blush returned, ,uch to his disliking. But he complied. He followed NIghtmare up the stairs to his office.

Nightmare opened the door for the two of them, as soon as they both were inside, it slammed shut again.

Nightmare took a seat at his desk and motioned for Error to have a seat. He walked over to the few seats in front of his desk and sat down.

The aroma in the room was dark and erie. It was also sort of calming. It was quiet, thats not something that happens often around the castle. Or anywhere for that matter. Everythings always loud.

"Uhm, Nightmare? why am I here again?"  Error asked, kind of impaitent.

Nightmare shot error a glare.

"Well, Ill just get straight to the point. What exactly has been going on with you?" Nightmare asked sternley. He sounded irritated, but not angry.

Error was confused. What did he mean by that? I guess we'll see.

"Pease elaborate?"

Nightmare sighed.

"You have been very clearly caught up in something. So much that you've been slackig off." Nightmare explained.

Error blushed a bright yellow. Hes catching on isn't he? It sure seems so. Nightmare gave Error a look.

"I'd assume im correct? Based on your expression, and lack of objection. So, spill."

Error avoided eye contact, he couldn't tell the truth. That wouldn't end well at all.

"I uhm...its just the...umm.."

"I won't be mad, just spit it out. I can't have another idiot around here that does nothing. At least you're somewhat useful." Nightmare said.

Error still said nothing for a moment.

Nightmare sighed. In all honesty, he was kind of concerened for Error. He did care about him. He cares about all of them. But once again, he'd rather die than admit it.

"Its nothing really, sorry for slacking off. I'll get back on track. Sorry Nightmare."

He played it off like it was nothing. But unfortunatly, Nightmare knew better than that. He knows Errors behavior, but this isn't normal. I mean, this is error. Not just anyone.

Nightmare took a deep breath. He remained calm, despite his growing impaitence. He didn't want to make things worse for either of them. Error was already getting defensive.

"Alright then... You're free to go then. I expect you to keep to your word. Don't dissapoint me." Nightmare said, giving up.

Although, he may have an idea on what had been going on. But there is only one way to prove his suspicion.

Nightmare watched as Error got up from the seat he was using. He needed to plan this correctly. His plan was subtle, but would be enough to prove himself right.

Error looked back at Nightmare one last time. They met eachothers eyes. Nightmare smiled and winked. Errors face exploded with bright yelow. He quickly looked away and left the room.

He was correct.

Error had a crush on him.

Nightmare chuckled to himself.

This should be interesting.


This sucked im so sorry i wrote all of this near mindnight and im very tired. Please forgive me. Tell me if you would like a part 2 to this. It would be petty short, but it would at least wrap this up a bit better. Do you like this concept? please give me feedback :'l Love you guys!

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