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Error sighed as he wiped the last bit of blood off his face...

He had just finished killing his target...

Why you may ask? Well...

She talked to fresh...

Fresh was his and ONLY his..

And NOBODY will take him....

Error blushed as the thought of him and fresh together came to mind...he loved fresh more than anything....

He will make sure fresh becomes his...

Error quickly made a portal back to the anti-void...he did not want to be caught...

He smiled as he saw freshes jacket...(that he may or may not have stole)

He picked it up and put it on. He blushed and smiled.

Fresh WILL be his....

_time skip_

A few days later error had just found a new target...

Error DARE she get close to what was HIS....

He waited for the girl...she wint be a bother anymore after this...

The girl had left the area and so has fresh. Error followed the girl and pulled a knife out of his pocket...

He cornered the girl as he smirked...

"DOnT wOrrY...YoU wOnT be A BoThEr aNymOre...." error says as he throws the knife at the girl. It hits her in the back...

She screams for a moment and passes out...

Error smirks as he leans down...

"E-error?.." he heard a voice from behind him say...

He turned around quickly to be met with fresh.

"F-FreSh...?" Error asked with fear in his voice...

Error felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes as he looked away from him.

"Error..." fresh said quietly...

Error didn't answer...

Error felt tear pour down his face as he cried. He pulled his knees to his chest as he cried...

Fresh watched in sorrow as he walked over to error...he hugged him tightly....

"Shh....its okay....let's get this taken care of...okay?.." fresh asked the crying skeleton..

Error blushed and nodded. He stood up and dusted himself off....

_time skip_

Error and fresh had just threw the body into the void in outertale.

"Now...let's get back to the anti-void and then I'm gonna ask you a few things alright?.." fresh asked error.

Error nodded hesitantly...

Error made a portal back to the anti-void. They stepped through the portal.

Error saw that the jacket he had stole was still out...

Errir blushed bright yellow and felt more tears threaten to spill. Fresh looked around and saw the jacket...he blushed and walked over to it.

He picked it up and walked over to error. Fresh smiled slightly as he draped the jacket over errors shoulder's.

Error blushes and smiles...

"Now...why did you kill that girl?" Fresh asked the glitching skeleton...

Error blushed and sighed...

"For you..." error said quietly....

Fresh blushed and and sighed...

" cant just kill people for me
.." fresh said in a scolding manner...

Error felt tears prick at his eyes once more....

"S-she tried t-to take you away f-from me..." error said quietly and let a few tears slip....

Fresh sighed and hugged error. He blushed and looked down at him..

Error blushed and cuddled up to his chest...

"I-im sorry...." error says while more tears fall...

"Shhh...its alright error.....I'm not mad...." fresh said softly...

Error blushed and smiled slightly.

"Error...I love you.." fresh said and smiled slightly. Error blushed and looked up at fresh.

"R-really..?" Error asked fresh. He blushed and held on to freshs shirt tightly.

"Yes...really...will you be my boyfriend..?" Fresh asked and blushed a light purple.

Error blushed bright yellow and nodded.

"Y-yes!..."  error says and blushes brightly.

_a few months later_

Error sighed as he got lost in thougt...

Why did fresh help error when they first got together..?

Error sighed as he walks over to their bedroom. Em

Error walks in and sits down next to fresh.

"You alright babe?.. " fresh asks and gives him a concerned look...

W-WhY dId...YoU HelP me....?" Error asks.

Fresh seems to understand and smiles slightly...

"Because I'm a yandere as well..." fresh says while smiling lightly.

Error blushes and looks over at fresh. Fresh opens his arms for error.

Error blushes and crawls over to fresh. He cuddles up to his chest as he smiles.

"I love you glitchy..." fresh says while kissing the top of errors skull.

Error blushes and smiles.

"I LovE YoU tOo..." error says and blushes.

I hope you like it! I tried my best!

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I hope you like it! I tried my best!

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