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A/N - Heres a more lighthearted oneshot for you all :)

This was requested by GoshItsMeAgain!!!

This is purley fluff! >:D


"Errrrrrooooorrrrrrrr!!!!! Come on! Let me help!!!" Ink dramatically exclaimed, earning an eye roll from Error. He knew Ink wanted to help, but he didn't want help. He was fine just how he was! He didn't need physical affection...right?


He would never admit it to anyone, especially ink, but he was in fact touch starved. He has always anted to get over his phobia but never had the time or the support to do so. Honestly, he didn't have the guts to let his pride down, either.

"Ink, you know my answer to that already." Error said with a sigh. Sure, he may not want the phobia, but that dosen't mean its vital to get rid of it either. He'd rather just sit in blissful avoidance of the topic. But with ink, that could never happen.

Ink huffed and crossed his arms. He knows how Error is, and he knows that hes completley fine living with this fear of his. But in all honesty, Ink isn't okay with it. With Error being his boyfriend, he wants to be able to show physical affection without causing Error any physical or emotional pain. It may seem selfish, but Ink truly just wants whats best for his lover.

Error noticed the look of genuine dissapointment on his boyfriends face. He couldn't help but soften up. He didn't intend to actually upset ink, he just wanted him off his case.

Error cursed at himself under his breath, already regretting the decision hes made.

"Maybe a little help wouldn't hurt..." Error mumbled, but it was loud enough for ink to hear. He immediatly perked up and smiled widely.

"YAAAAYYY!!!!" Ink screamed cheerfully, causing Errors face to light up bright yellow from embarassment.

- Tiny time skip -

The two of them were sitting on inks bed. Ink was still over the moon. He was determined to get Error to a point where he was comfortable with any physical touch. Error on the other hand, wasn't quite as enthusiastic as ink. He was scared. He was afraid of being hurt again. He knew ink wouldn't hurt him, but the feeling couldn't be shaken off.

Ink noticed the worried expression on Errors face.

"Hey, listen. Im not going to do anything you're uncomfortable with. If you want to stop, just say it. Okay?" Ink reassured him.

Error relaxed a bit after hearing that.

"So, we are gonna start off with simply holding hands. Nothing else. Tell me if and when you want to stop." Ink said while holding his hands out for the other.

Error took a deep breath, he hesitated for a moment, but eventully found the courage to take the others hands. He glitched out quite a bit at first, but as time passed, the glitching became less and less. Ink had to contain himself from exploding with excitment. He was so proud of Error!

A tear escaped Errors eye, he was actully doing it. He was touching someone, and he wasn't in pain!

Ink looked into Errors eyes lovingly. Error had taken a huge step towards recovery. And he was so proud.

- A few months pass by -

Its been a couple months since Error first started 'training' as ink called it. The progress that Error had made is amazing. He can now do just about anything that involves touch without glitching out. Ink can now show his lover affection instead of just vocalizing his love.

Ink and Error are once again on Inks bed, but instead of holding hands, they're now able to give embraces. Ink is holding a sleeping Error in his arms. He was amazed at how quickly Error was able to progress. But he was very greatful that he was now able to show his love in more ways than just one.


I think this turned out pretty well! I hope you all like it! :D

I apologize for how short it is!

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