Cop error x criminal fresh x Cop geno

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Fresh sighed as he sat down on the couch of his small apartment...

Being the most wanted criminal wasn't very good...

He couldn't leave the house without having some form of disguise...

He had heard that the cops are interviewing will he get past this!?...

Fresh started to internally panic....

What if he gets caught!? What if he gets sent to jail!?

He calmed down and sighed once more.

It will all be fine....

Fresh heard a knock at the door. His worry began to grow even more. He shook it off and walked over to the door...

He opened it to be met with two police officers...

One had black bones, dark blue lines running down his face like tears. He had glitches surrounding his body. Error signs floating around him as well.

The second one had a glitch covering his left eye. All while bones. A red slash on his stomach. Probably from a genocide run.

The officers stared at him intensely.

"Hello name is officer geno, and this is my partner officer error"  geno says and signals to error who just nods.

"H-hello..come in.." fresh says while stepping out of the way.

Error and geno stepped in the house and looked around. They looked at eachother and nodded...

"We have reason to believe that you are  fresh" geno said with a serious tone.

Fresh panicked and tried to remain calm.

"I-i assure y-you officer...i-i am not fresh..m-my names lavender!..." fresh said quickly...

Geno sighed and looked at error...

Error nodded and took out his radar. He whispered something into the speaker and looked at geno.

"M-may I go get something..?" Fresh asks...not wanting to be caught....

Geno nods and sighs.

Fresh ran to his kitchen and fled out the back door.

Geno and error ran after him.

They chased fresh down an alley way until he was cornered...

Fresh panicked and looked around quickly...there has to be a way out...

Freshs eyes widened as he rememberd....


Crying was heard...bashing and yelling from every part of the house...

Fresh sat there in the middle of the living room floor with injuries all over his body...his parents....

End of flashback

Fresh hadn't noticed that he had started crying...he felt his anxiety overwhelm him....he started scratching his arms and dropped down to the floor...his arms started bleeding badly...

Geno ran over to fresh and tried to calm him down...error spoke in the radio once more and ran over to fresh...

Fresh had passed out...

Geno and error sigh...not exactly knowing why they decided to help a criminal...but it felt right...

Geno picked up fresh and held him close... he felt a need to protect the skeleton at all costs...

Error felt heavy remorse and sadness...he has witnessed something like this before..but this was the first time it affected him...

Geno had started walking in the direction of his house...he shared a house with error...

Error followed with his head down.

They made it to the house and geno opend the door and walked through. Error walked through and let the door close.

Geno set fresh down on the couch and started to bandage his arms..

Error sat on a chair in the kitchen and fidgeted with his hands...why had this affected him so much..? Error felt tears stream down his face.

"Error?..." geno asked him...

Geno had noticed when the glitchy skeleton left...but why was he crying...

Error didn't like to talk...his glitchy voice got in the way of things...

"I-Is He OkAY...?" Error asked geno...

Geno sighed and was alked over to error...he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in to a tight hug....

"Hes going to be alright error...I promise..." geno says and smiles lightly at him. Error nodded and stood up from his chair.

"Want to see him..?" Geno asks error. Error smiles lightly and nods.

Geno softly takes errors hand so his haphephobia isn't triggered. He leads up over to fresh, who was laying down sleeping on the couch.

Error smiled softly and sat on the floor in front of the couch.

"W-wHaT hAppEnd To HiM...?" Error asked quietly.

"I dont know error..." geno says truthfully. He didn't know....he just suddenly...broke down?...

A/N okay I'm sorry!!!!! This will be a two part oneshot! For the person who requested this I'm so sorry! I needed to get something posted! And I apoligize if this isn't how you expected it to be! I'll change what I have to!

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