Ink x error

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Top ink! Bottom error! Warning!


Error sat on the cliff of outertale. His legs dangling off the edge while the cooling breeze of the au soothed the crying skeleton.

Tears streamed down off errors cheeks and fell down on to the ground, slightly staining the dirt.

Sadness is a farmiliar feeling to error. It almost never leaves him...when hes alone that is.

Error comes to outertale if hes stressed out, upset, or just needs some downtime. Today is one of those days where his depression gets the best of him.

The stars above the glitchy skeleton shine brightly as a calming sense of familiarity washes over him. A slight smile appears on errors face as more tears slid down his face...

Soon...more tears followed....the slight sounds of sobbing echoes through out the au....

Despite the protests of his own mind...he let all his bottled up emotions just need to cry....and let everything out....

Error hates showing emotions...he thinks it makes him look weak...but in all makes you stronger...

The sobbing shortens to a small sniffing...and soon silences....error wipes his eyes and let's out a shakey breath...

It felt good...all those emotions hes kept in for the longest time have finally came out....he felt better....

A portal could be heard opening throughout outertale. Footsteps soon after.

Error sighed as he sensed the farmiliar was ink...his boyfriend...

A small smile formed on errors mouth as the calming presence surrounds error...

Error blushes a bright yellow as the feeling of two warm arms wrap around him...he turns around to face ink.

Ink smiles softly and blushes a light rainbow. He looks down as his boyfriend who was now facing him with a soft smile.

Ink cups errors cheeks in his hands and caresses them...

Errors face heats up and leans into the touch of his boyfriend...

"Bad day huh..?" Ink asks while still rubbing the smaller's cheek.

Error nods slowly and leans into ink more...

Ink smiles at this...error really is special....

Ink sees error as an amazing person...he hates how he doesn't open up much....but he understands and respects why he doesn't....

Error must have been keeping a lot of things inside...its understandable...but it's not tries his best to help him...

He notices the small little things about error he never bothered to when they fought...

He notices the dark eye bags under errors eyes due to sleep deprivation...

He notices the scars engraved in his arms...some could clearly be seen as self inflicted...

He notices the spark of light and joy in errors eyes when hes with him....

He notices it all....

He loves error a lot...he loves all of him...

Ink softly runs a finger under the glitchy skeletons eye...

Error means into the touch and blushes...

Ink pulls error onto his lap and holds him close...he didn't want to loose him...he cant loose him...

Error wraps his legs around inks waist and leans onto his chest. Keeping close to ink.

Error smiles and looks up at ink. Love fills his soul as ink looks down at him...

"Yes error?" Ink asks with a soft smile on his face. A smile that radiates love and joy...a smile that could draw anyone in....

A light yellow hue dusts errors cheeks...error smiles a gentle and caring smile....

"I love you..." error says shyly, but with love in his voice...light yellow dusts his cheeks...

Ink blushes softly and smiles...

"I love you too error...." ink says softly and places a gentle kiss on top of errors skull...

Error blushes and smiles softly....he leans back onto his and closes his eyes....

Ink smiles softly at the resting holds error close and protectively....

He will make sure Error feels loved and cared for....


A/N: I acctualy like how this turned out! It is kinda sad and cringey. But I worked hard in this 😅 I hope y'all like it! Even if it is all over the place QwQ

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