Error x reaper

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A/N: this is just a big load of fluff with a hint if angst :3 it will have pet name such as baby, sweetheart, sweetie, honey, babe, ect. If that's not your thing then please leave! Or stay! Just please dont hate!


Error walks over to his and reapers shared bed. Reaper was laying down asleep.

Error blushes softly as he looks at his sleeping boyfriend..he looks so peaceful....

Error sits down on the bed and lays down next to his sleeping boyfriend. He wraps his arms around reapers waist and kisses the side of his skull softly...

"I love you reaper..." error whispers to reaper...

Error closed his eyes and held reaper close...he camt leave him again...

_in the morning_

Reaper yawned quietly and tried to sit up. He was stopped by two arms he hadn't noticed wrapped around his waist..

What rises to reapers cheeks as he looks over at error. A soft smile made it's way on his face as he turned around to face him...

Reaper snuggles into his boyfriends chest and smiles softly...

Errors eyes flutter open. His arms tighten around reapers waist in a protective and loving way.

"Morning baby.." error mumbles and kisses reapers skull.

Reaper blushes and giggles softly...he nuzzles into errors chest and smiles.

Error smiles and rubs reapers back. He plants small kisses over reapers skull and keeps him close...

Error remembers when reaper wasn't with him....he remembers when he was trapped in the anti-void...he left reaper by himself....

Reaper....he was heartbroken after geno went missing....but hes with him now....nothing has changed...

Well, almost. Besides reaper turning into a complete sub.

Error chuckled to himself as the thought re entered his mind. He loved teasing reaper about that. He loves seeing his cute little face get all flustered! It makes errors soul melt...

Error sighs and places a gentle kiss to reapers lips...

Reaper blushes brightly and kisses error back... 

The two pull away after a minute or two...error caresses reapers cheek and smiles softly at the blushing skeleton.

"We need to get up love...we need to do our jobs." Error says while robbing reapers back...

Reaper groaned and sighed....

"I don't want tooo... " reaper says dramatically.

Error laughs at his boyfriende antics and smiles sadly...

"I know reaps...but we need to keep the balance...I promise once we finish we can cuddle for the rest of the day. Sound good?" Error asks reaper.

Reaper blushes softly and nods. He loves makes him feel safe..and reassured...that error wont leave him....

"okay!" Reaper says happily while getting up out of bed.

Error stands up off the bed and grabs a hold of reapers hand...

The two walk out of the room with their hands intertwined.


A/N: I wanted to write some fluff so here you go! This is kind of similar to the plot line for the upcoming story! There will be a part two to this! I need to sleep! Have a great night/day!

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