Afterdeath part 2!

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A/N: this is a part two to the last one wo I belive you can predict what's gonna happen UwU
Sub reaper!
Dom geno!


_a few weeks later_

Reaper created a portal to outertale. Geno had asked him to meet him there. He was curious of why. Geno usually didn't like going out to places, unless they were on a date.

Reaper walked through the portal to be met with a candle lit pathway, with rose petals lining the path. This made reapers confusion grow. What was all this for?

Reaper followed the path out of curiosity. Hes always has been rather curious about the things he sees and experiences.

As he got further up the path, he had noticed something, or someone, in the distance. Reaper wonders what this thing was for.

Reaper continued to walk that path. He grew closer and closer to the figure. A small blush then grew on his face.

It was geno.

Reaper had made it down the path, he was now standing next to geno.

"Hello geno! You said you wanted to meet me here?" Reaper smiled softly and looked up at his boyfriend.

Geno blushed softly and looked down at reaper.

He blushed softly. He found reaper stunning. Even the smallest things. He noticed how bright reapers smile was. It was adorable when he got excited because he would smile so big and brightly. He noticed how he would blush because of the smallest things. He found it cute how he would cover his face in embarrassment.

He noticed it all. He loved reaper both inside and out. He loved everything about him. He wouldn't want him to change for anything or anyone.

Today was the day. He was going to propose to the love of his life.

He was nervous. I mean who wouldn't be nervous when proposing. But he was hoping. Hoping that reaper would say yes.

Geno sighed and gently took a hold of reapers hand, causing a small blush to spread across his lovers face.

"Reaper, I've know you for years. You popped up in my life out of nowhere. You showed up in my save screen with the intent to kill me." Geno said and laughed a bit. Which earned a disapproving look from reaper.

Geno smiled softly and continued.

"But, you didn't. You gave me a chance. Though at the time I didn't really appreciate you as much as I should have..." geno stated with a sigh.

Reaper felt sadness swell up in his soul. He didn't want geno to feel bad!

"At first, I didn't want you with me. I wanted you to leave, and sadly, I made that very clear to you..." geno said with regret in his voice. He thought about all the times he had told reaper to leave. It hurt him. He had been so mean to his lover back then.

"But, you didn't. You didn't give up on being my friend. You didn't give up on trying to win me over. You were always talking to me. You kept me company. You gave me a chance of a new start. You gave me something to look forward to..." geno says with a small blush on his face.

Reaper blushed softly and smiled.

"You were always clingy. I didn't like that at the always touched me and hugged me. You held me in your arms and told me how much I meant to you. You ways made sure I knew my worth and always made sure i was happy. And when I was sad, you were the first person there to help me. You never left me there crying. You were always there." Geno says and pulls reaper a little bit closer.

"But I never checked on you. I always pushed you away. I never showed you any sort of love or affection. I never truly knew how much you were hurting..." geno said with a few tears swelling up in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. He felt terrible for how he acted back then...

Reaper frowned and lifted his hand up to wipe genos tears away.

"When you first told me how you felt on the inside...about how much you were truly suffering...I felt terrible...I had never asked how you were doing...I never asked you if you were okay...when you told me...I wanted to make it up to you...I wanted to show you I could do better...I wanted to prove I was truly worthy of your love...back then I wasn't..." geno said with a sad smile...

Reaper blushed and smiled softly.

"When we started dating, you didn't change. You were there with me every step of the way. You always made sure I was okay. You always showed me love and affection. I'm glad that I was able to push past my ignorance and return those actions." Geno said and squeezed reapers hand gently.

Reaoer was blushing and smiling softly.

"Reaper, I love you dearly. You gave me something to live for. You have always been with me. You are so amazing and beautiful in so many different ways...I cant even explain how perfect you are..." geno smiled softly and blushed.

Reaper blushed brightly and smiled softly.

"I want to be with you that's why we're here right now..." geno blushed and let go of reapers hand.

Geno bent down in one knee and took a box out of his pocket.

Shock filled reapers soul...was this really happening...?

Geno opened the box and held out a ring. A bright blush spread across genos face.

Reaper felt tears build in his eyes as a bright blush spread across his face...

"Reaper...Will you marry me..?" Geno asks with a soft smile.

Reaper felt tears slide down his face. A bright blush tinted his cheeks as he ran towards geno and hugged him tightly...

"Y-yes!!! Yes!! O-of course!!" Geno yelled and held onto geno tightly. Tears still streaming from his eyes.

Relief filled genos soul, but it was soon replaced with unconditional love...

Geno slid the ring on to reapers finger and pulled him close, closing the gap between them. Kissing him softly...

Reaper melted into the kiss and held onto geno tightly..

It was full of love and passion.

The two pull apart with blush spread across their faces.

Geno holds reaper in his arms and smiled softly...

"I love you reaper..." geno mumbled to his fiance softly.

Reaper blushed and smiled softly.

"I love you too geno..." reaper mumbled and snuggled uo to his lovers chest. Enjoying the embrace.

Error was secretly in the background recording the entire thing.


A/N: the ending is kinda bad so I apologize for that! But I hope you enjoyed this! I'm really proud of it! I apologize for any spelling mistakes!!

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