(#001) [New Beginnings]

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*In a world before supernatural abilities, children of any age were infatuated with the idea of superhuman heroism, now in a world where such fantasies have become commercially normalized one can only imagine the level of admiration and aspiration a child may have in expectation of their very own super power, also known as quirks, the best example of this would be the fanboy absolutely celebrating in his chair below*

*And no one can blame in, for in this world there is nothing a child anticipates more than discovering their very own quirk and at last his time has come and he gets to reveal his own hidden secret alongside his other half his sister Izumi*

Mother: "Izuku! Izumi! It's time to-"

*Before their mother could even finish her sentence she was interrupted by their abrupt crashing and clinging to her legs unable to wait a moment longer Izumi running on ahead as their mother Inko rubs Izukus ruffled green hair*

Inko: "I know your results took longer than expected and now your younger sister is already getting hers, but better late than never right?"

*But for a child like Izuku he was not bothered in the slightest that he was a late bloomer but just simplistically grateful without a hint of shame or envy*

*Arriving at the "Doc's Office" they were met with a below average height man with a clear balding spot and a white coat outshined by his peculiar glasses*

Inko: "Thank you for meeting us Mr..."

Doc: "Dr

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Doc: "Dr. Kyudai Garaki"

Inko: "Right, you notified me that you have the results from their tests, right?"

*With his dull face seemingly devoid of interest turned to an apparent frown looking at the documents he handed her Inko had begun to pick up that the results may not as she had hoped but nonetheless had to see for herself, all the meanwhile the innocent children playing in the corner of the room*

Doc: "Although I have good news, I am afraid its not all, good news"

*Swallowing her hesitation Inko steeled her resolve but before she could inquire a blonde man snatched the papers and before she could turn to anger she was relieved at the sight of the man before her*

*Swallowing her hesitation Inko steeled her resolve but before she could inquire a blonde man snatched the papers and before she could turn to anger she was relieved at the sight of the man before her*

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