#045 Invoking Bonds

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After the three teams beat their opponents ojiro and the second team were beat only sijione,fumikage,killua,denki,eijiro were ready for another fight, especially since katsuki has just been announced to have lost and the timelines meet, he will join the fray soon enough.

Last team battle

Lucy: I'm sorry nat-
Natsu: save it Lucy, I wont hate u for this, in fact I hope we could be friends
Lucy: (hopefully more)
Ochako: *begins decreasing everyone's wieght*
I'm gonna use my ultimate technique, it's a support type, conduit setup
Nejire: which means your going to need to stay put while giving us better advantage?
Ochako: exactly, and it works like this...
Elizabeth: wow really?
Natsu: ran out of time ladies
Katsumi: let's start b!<ches
Ochako: now

Natsu/+/Eli/+/nejire: WERE GLOWING PINK!?!?katsumi: the fuck?!??Izumi: I can glow too b!tch ,one for all full cowling 10% plus EnergizerNatsu: (this is incredible)Izumi: what theKatsumi: how are theyLucy: moving this fast?Koji: uraraka San has wei...

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Natsu/+/Eli/+/nejire: WERE GLOWING PINK!?!?
katsumi: the fuck?!??
Izumi: I can glow too b!tch ,one for all full cowling 10% plus Energizer
Natsu: (this is incredible)
Izumi: what the
Katsumi: how are they
Lucy: moving this fast?
Koji: uraraka San has weight adjustment abilities right? What if...
Izumi: they're weight....
Lucy: right now is...
Katsumi: fucking ze-
Natsu: *sends katsumi flying*
Natsu: once we've taken down Izumi thyre will be outmatched
Izumi: wont be tha-
Nejire/+/Natsu: "infernal spiral"
Izumi: *blocks*
Elizabeth: *from opening behind*
blinding ark
Izumi: fuck, that wont work ugh twice, wait are you guys floating!?!?
Elizabeth: flash ark!!
Izumi: Haha nice tr-
Nejire: "spiral infusion"
Nejire/+/Eli: "White prisim"
Izumi: the hell? My eyes were closed
Nejire: a light spectrum prisim bypasses the skins light fissures just like how you can see a little brightness from a blinding light :p
Natsu: so regardless of your strength to take on both fusion attacks but now instead of beams, take a real attack blind bish!!!
Natsu: Iron fist of the fire dragon
×0 newtons velocity x mass newtons impact
Natsu: Newtons Impact of the fire dragon!!!
Elizabeth: (ochako can use the link she set with the glow she removes the newtons the targets mass produces giving then incredible speed and she can adjust their newtons at will, truth is she doesnt have wieght adjustment, it's a secret only theses three ,her parents and Izuku know)
Author: Ochako Uraraka: quirk "Newtons Force" the ability to apply to increase and counteract another force of newtons in order to decrease, wieght is measured in newtons not grams by physics rules because it's based on the principles of how much gravitational pull is on you,  take the lighter gravity on the moon for example which disregards your bodies mass, as such she can adjust the newtons output on an object or entity, she is counteracting their masses in order to make them weightless and they are using their own masses in ratio with their powers to move airborne, in other words being fat or having mass doesnt effect your wieght with her but it will effect your overall movement, and then she applies newtons to their bodies muscles when needed to create impacts weighing minimum half-their full earthly wieght, literally throwing their wieght in a fight
Izumi: (crap that was close, my body hurts, I dont think I can fight, fuck out commission by a flying muscle head in pink)
Koji: *roaaaaaaaaar*
Everyone: *schocked*
Elizabeth: wait didnt they save koji for reserve battle unit and say save your powers!?!?!
Koji: using other creatures minds with mine means I have every aspect of a bear and human multiplied by each other in a human body including my emotions and individuality x their savagery and intimidation as well as
Koji: *bear roars*
Nejire: am I...seeing a bear aura?
Natsu: calm down, we know his power has mental connections with animals and this is personification, maybe his perception of his bear self and the bear itself are tampering with our vision
Nejire: English?
Ochako: in other words you think since he can tap animal minds from a human, by reversing it the animal can make us believe the bears really here
Koji: which let's me not only surpass my shyness, but even physical limits and use bears experience go my advantage
Lucy: holy fuck, our koji is this OP? He has the knowledge of the entire animal kingdom and the aura of them on humans too
Natsu: we just fight the illusion
Elizabeth: wait
Ochako: I thought you were following  ugh of course in battle your smart but your still a muscle head whis wants combat
Koji: swings*
Natsu: fuck that hurt
Ochako: he has a bears mindset, bears limits are beyond humans, he can stretch his muscle fibers in order to keep up and use literal bear strength, except the difference koji has a metamorph passive default form which probably is built to holster an animals limits giving him the ability of any animal and his aura
Elizabeth: I'f the reverse animalepathy has indirect effect on human minds than using the link not aiming for us but hid aura I think his aura can deal damage
Natsu: the illusion can hurt us?
Nejire: maybe it can hurt what perceives it? Our minds?
Natsu: that's it, his auras perspective attacks our minds , or more specifically our nerves itself
Sijione: definitely a formidable ace in reserve, vessel for any one animal of the animal kingdom and neuro damage as well as attributes,
Killua, however we understand natsu
Eijiro: this is your fight
Denki: better hurry cuz if u fall before he does or well have to come save ur ass
Natsu: *smiles* thanks guys
Natsu: ochako, give me all your strength,
Ochako: four people airborne using fusions is draining , so I hope it wont be long
Natsu: just give me all you have got, please
Ochako: one shot
Natsu: ?!?! That's all you ha-
Ochako: I'm going to direct every newton into one attack of yours
Ochako: end it in one strike
Natsu: thanks,

seeing a bear aura?Natsu: calm down, we know his power has mental connections with animals and this is personification, maybe his perception of his bear self and the bear itself are tampering with our visionNejire: English?Ochako: in other words y...

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Natsu/+/koji: ROAAAAAR
Author: smoke clears after a few minutes and  Natsu reigns victorious but drained
Lucy: we give, you got us beat
Killua: good cuz looks like we got trouble
Katsuki: *walks in*
Denki: well well well~ lost already?
Katsuki: shut it sparkplug, in a bad mood, let me show you

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