#044 In and Out Of The Spotlight

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Author:While Izuku was finishing his pre finale match up paired against non other than Katsuki Bakugo, class 1a and the Ozone support group were having difficulties of their own to say the least as they are paired against 1a and 1b
Jiro: we have the numbers but I think they can take two each and worked well together judging from the U.S.J attack
Tenya: split up then
Jiro: huh?
Tenya: split up the squadrons into miniature team battles so that there are less and randomized options for each of their groups and our numbers advantage becomes more advanced

Author:Until Zerotwo in her klaxosaur form meets up and eren pairs with her in his bio titan form followed by the Ozone support group taking on all of class 1b, reluctantly mikasa agrees to pair with quinten and after the split ups 1a and 1b yet to realise that class 1s and Ozone support group both already anticipated this and made countermeasures flipping the tables making it a two teams battle

Eren,shinso,quinten,miku,hanta, zerotwo,gon,mikasa vs 1b

Remainder of class 1s

With the exception of Izuku and shoto and katsuki in tournament currentally

Vs remainder of class 1a

As well as traitors

Katsumi and izumi

Exception of Jiro for special reasons

With katsumis and izumis betrayal the tables turn yet again and the small teams are formed





Author: First team matchup, aoyama begins firing a concentrated maintained beam directly towards Toru who uses her refraction ability to refract the light and fire it in a 360 degree omnidirectional shooting while himawari dances between the beams and uses her hyuga style martial arts "Smooth disco"

Sijione weaves through starting a dance like evasion of a soaring match between young shinobi, funikage pulls up to avoid the attack of light until ojiro walks in
Ojiro: the conditions of how powerful my kyubi chakra work depends on how my spirit is, I need to have
stamina for the base
Nutrients and calories for my form in order to circulate it for a form rather than single shots
And of course emotion
(training within 24hrs of use helps its proficiency too)
And thinking about how much these guys wanna make midoriya suffer...

Sijione weaves through starting a dance like evasion of a soaring match between young shinobi, funikage pulls up to avoid the attack of light until ojiro walks in Ojiro: the conditions of how powerful my kyubi chakra work depends on how my spirit ...

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Sijione: but ojiro that's your
Ojiro: thats right this is my stable limit and it was easy to turn on but it's a little hard to control considering how pissed off I am,
Ojiro: sorry sis, gotta blow off some steam
Himawari: I had enough fighting family, I give up
Toru: w-w-well we dont
Aoyama: me-me-merci (Mercy?)
Sijione: oooooooh that's not pretty
Himawari 😅
Fumikage: ?!?!?!!??
Himawari: hey sijione...listen I..
Sijione: your scared of midoriya
Himawari: !!! Y-...yeah...
Sijione: I'm not as cool as my father but your brother isn't to say the same, that overpowered serious goofball, is the one you wanna talk to
Himawari: yeah your right, heheh, sorry I'm just nervous to confront brother after I tried to take both of you down, especially since I still think of Izuku as a villain
Sijione: gud
Himawari: !??!?!
Sijione: you gave up easily which meant u were uncertain to say the least
Sijione: if you changed your opinion without any real reason sides people u know trusting them, you wouldn't be able to identify your own will and what you want
Sijione: dont get ne wrong I k ow it isn't an opinion but a fact Midoriya's a good person, but I'll convince you with the amount of evidence people SHOULD use to change a good person's opinion.

Mina creates a green slime and tsuyu hops in,

Shoka: slime?
Momo: ah that's the
pr****** and the f***
Why am I censored
Akeno: best keep such major and famous sources from even more major productions confidential since every one knows how we just copyrighted them
Akeno: awww such a built man yet hes so misguided
Shoka: momo you can make constructs sides usual matter right?
Momo: ice?
Shoka: plz
Akeno: leave that to....
*one by one till it hails*
Shoka: oh hhohohoohoho I forgot you can do that
Momo: ow let me make a shield
Akeno: or I can move the clouds just outside
Shoka: neither
Shoka: I got a better idea
Shoka/+/akeno: *creates a hurricane of hail surrounding the area with an eye as large as a few meters away from them*
Momo: *creates bunker 3 inches walls and 3 canons linked to a machine gun each, (rubber bullets)*
Author: with the weather patterns focused, walls and rubber bullet guns as a last line of defense shoka focuses on shredding the ice in perfect proportions per attack creating
Girls: "Glacier Garrison"
Author: tenya begins unwinding a minor fraction of the hurricane by twisting his legs with an ability he thinks of on the spot inspired by the flash unwinding tornadoes this back fires when his mufflers get frozen his suit alot eith hail and rubber bullets to the face knocking him into team mucus who gets frozen leaving a frosty slime of a mess

Shoji can now recreate any limbs on chain and evolves to the point of which he can increase his arms number up to 12 and then using extra joints and a modified bone "Piston Dozen" creating an impact force twice as strong as the practical test however ,the first team was compatible last team was 2/3 or 66.666*% compatible,  since zerotwo interfered the teams were disorganized and this team is 0%compatible as sato and shoji end up punching each other with their heavy tier combos and mineta using his human grape bullet keeps ricocheting interupting their hits, it was sad how bad this teams match up is since mezou and rikido just were equal chivalry to each other but equally stressed and equaly threatening in melee strength, making it said when killua sits down, feeling mocked they worked together and created a side by side combo which killua dodged and then they found themselves hitting a wall known as Eijiro kirishima, unable to break through they begin to weaken and denki fires off a sheet of electricity in their path only

All: that was sad

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