(#022) [Precarious Society]

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Everyone: !! "Right we are getting a new classmate"

Sijione: "Except I suspect they may already be here"

Everyone: !?!?!

*Izuku's eyes dart around the room as his nerves are on edge as he is startled by an unfamiliar person being here the entire time*

Izuku: (Are they disguising as one of us? camouflage?)

Aizawa: "Quite perceptive of you Sijione"

Sijione: "That unusual fissure in the light has been bothering me"

???: "Ah dang it, and here I thought I had better control of it, still got found out!"

Denki: "What the?"

Izuku: *flashback voice from Jiro*

Jiro: "Sounds are quite distinct, we are so use to visuals we don't realise that there are more sounds than colours and alot about the noises everything makes can tell you more than their appearance, you can see someone smile brightly and boldly draw attention but in their voice, the trembling of their fingers and even the rapid beats in their chest, everyone makes sounds and noises that are more and more difficult to control, if your not a shinobi like Uchiha that is"

*Flashback ends*

Izuku: !!

**Opening his eyes as he realised where the sound is located he concentrates and notices the light in the corner of the room is slightly hazy**

Denki: "Woah damn it IS a cute girl!? HAH, Pay up"

Hanta: "How was I supposed to know your horny brain would coincidentally time up with reality dude"

**As the boys in the back bicker about their silly bet the more front row students question the new girl on what she did and her quirk**

Toru: "Oh right, My quirk is Photo Refraction, they originally believed it would be Invisibility as one day I disappeared and my parents freaked, I cried wondering why they couldn't find me but they thought I was haunting them"

Rudeus: "Ouch, sorry to hear that"

Toru: "Oh no no, sorry to make things seem dark, It's just that we were worried that I was going to be invisible forever, as a girl, not being seen is kind of a huge bummer especially when your younger and friends are all you worry about"

Tenya: "I see, so the mindset for modern adolescent females drives them to seek companionship as human beings are social creatures and-"

Katsumi: "OH COULD YOU SHU~TT UP! That is enough over analysing, we already have a Deku"

Izuku: "Fuck you too"

Katsumi: "HUH!you wanna go?!"

Izuku: "Anyways enough of that, let's get down to the matters at hand, you're telling us this despite your appearance because something changed?"

Toru: "Yes they believed my quirk permanent passive but turns out it stemmed from certain subconscious drive and was like muscle memory something I don't even realise I know how to do until I really looked into it, when we did, It turns out I have the long lasting ability to bend light so it's pretty useful for stealth and light based defensive counter attacks but the drawback is actually the absorption, the invisibility when I don't concentrate has no noticeable drawbacks to date, however when I try and concentrate like I did today and you didnt realise the outline that usually makes me seem like an empty character design, I focus on my mind's ability to manipulate the light waves and end up with a backlash of light sensitivity and intensity, so I can be burned from bending light rays that would be harmless to regular people, more susceptible to any light really, and rare occasions my skin gets discoloured in pigmentation till Vanta black but that's an annually rare occurrence"

Izuku: *Indecipherable mumbling*

Katsumi: "See? For fucks sake"

Izuku: (Her quirk kicked in and changed her life like a lot of people, most in fact have changed permanently at young ages, but hers is no longer uncontrollable, they discovered it was influenced due to external factors, does that mean quirks can be influenced? No, probably just a coincidence, after all Fumikage showed us a photograph once, he had his unique appearance long before he awoke dark shadow, but that begs the question, what caused it, no one in his family ancestry had bird relative powers that we know of, there are still so many questions even though society is stabilised as if we have it all figured out, there are still mysteries to behold huh)

*Fading into the distance the teachers stand at the scene of the press' entry*

Astronaut-Teacher: "This was the work for a reporter?"

*Looking at destroyed UA Barrier*

Cowboy-Teacher: "We even enhanced it with energy barriers yet it looks like the energy was used against it before they broke it down"

Nezu: *Grins* "Something is happening~"


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