(#023) [Perilous Turn]

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*The new dawn comes and as Izumi observes the news of All might's fights this morning*

Izumi: (His run time, its getting shorter...)

*Shota steps into the room instead of all might*

Shota: "You have gotten too hooked to your battle training, regardless of the environment or scenario it is time you all prepare for a new trial, Rescue!"

Hanta: "Sounds rough"

Eijiro: "It is what the job is all about, so MANLY"

Asta: "First day in and its this cool!"

Shota: "Make sure to suit up everyone"

*Couple of minutes later outside the students in their repaired suits or track suits at their discretion line up under Tenya's Whistle and command for the transport*

*On the bus everyone is chattering when Natsu says*

Natsu: "So I have been meaning to ask, no one gets any changes to their bodies before their quirks form right?"

Momo: "Yes that is indeed the formal standard"

Izuku: (Then maybe...)

Shuko: "Now now there is no need for the glooming, I mean look at where we are for 'Pete's Sake" guys.

Toru: "Omigosh, We're here, We're here!"

Rudeus: "Quite excited for someone jumping straight into tough training"

Toru: "My first full day is a field trip, sure we will break a sweat but no one who made it here would be here if they were not prepared for such, I mean look at where we are!"

Katsumi: "Sheesh look at all the props set, if one did not know any better they would assume this place is the Universal Studios of Japan or something"

Momo: "Practical training facility customised to simulate several distinct types of disastrous accidents and unfortunate natural occurrences, one of UA's best and specialised establishments-"

Sijione: "Unforeseen Simulation Joint, huh?, kind of crass but was still an interesting project to inspect none the less"

Denki: "Inspect?-"

Momo: "Yes that is correct, but as I was saying, It was made by an instructor from our academy who I assume will be handling the main operations and supervision, right?, Aizawa-Sensei?"

Shota: "How astute of you Yaoyorozu"

Momo: "So she really will be there, the one and only-"

Izuku: "THIRTEEN!?"

Momo: "My goodness gentlemen, it is rude to interrupt a lady you know"

Katsuki: "Y'all can fall in love with the façade Deku has been holding but he can't hide that he is a geek whenever he sees a hero"

Momo: "Sees?"

*She turns around as the bus is letting the students off and into the facility entrance area lead inside by none other than the aforementioned hero herself*

Izuku: "The polite and chivalrous hero with expertise in disaster relief rather than combat frequencies in incident reports publicised or leaked-"

*Toshi leaked some safe and non-personal but unpublicised information when upholding his reporter cover story to his eager aspiring children*

Izuku: "Space Hero: Thirteen!!"

*And while the students continue to discuss their friendly banter eventually ticking off Katsuki about his lack of popularity and a couple of quips and chuckles back and forth to and from each other, giving enough time for the two teachers present to discuss their own matters*

13: "...And that is why he is not here"

Shota: "We heard he used to be more active before that fight with the big guy but it is not like he received any trans-figurative damage so it is still confusing how shortened his functionality time has become, but most of all how he is sparing no effort despite that timer to expend even in the morning before his class"

*Aizawa sighs as he cannot just condemn a hero for using his limited power to save people and fight crime but he cannot bring himself to openly compliment someone incapable of performing his practical sessions as he pledged, nonetheless time moves on*

Shota: "There is nothing we can do on the matter, but we have backup plans for this anyways"

13: "Alright students, as I am sure most of you are aware of judging from the attention from when you entered, I go by Thirteen, and my quirk is: 'Horizon's Maelstrom' it functions as one would assume a blackhole to, forming a vortex that gathers all within its reaches to the point before collapsing the matter into dust and effectively can absorb levels and intensities of light and the atmosphere which is why they labelled it with 'Horizon', but it would be an exaggeration to call it a black hole (Specialization-Type) "

Eijiro: "Ah so that is why they say your amazing with aftermath of disasters, with a quirk like that you must be so MANLY at clearing wreckage and debris huh?"

Tenya: "Indeed, destructive quirks in professional forces are not uncommon but one that does not require as much and the restriction drawbacks do not impede scheduled repetition on an areas rather than singular targets must be quite proficient"

13: "That is correct yes, however it is a power that does not distinguish life from inanimate objects, in less tact words, it would find it as easy to take a life as it is to crush a pebble and it does not discriminate within its area of effect, thus in that way it is still like anyone else's quirk, depending on how the user handles it, what it is known for or used for can dramatically change without altering the actual turnouts and effects"

Eli: "Which is why just establishing one's self publicly as a hero is not good enough and why society created laws regulating quirks to ensure the rarity of any possible incidents, either purposeful or otherwise accidental"

Mezo: "But those very laws can be over restricting when one would need to use their quirks in certain situations, which is why the changes made after the silver age gave more lenience depending on the case especially for self defence and younger people, of course doesn't change how others may be affected in other ways in a society transformed by the existence of quirks"

Fumikage: "Recalled as if recent despite the era of acclimation being long forgone, as all tales in history, the events of the past forever continue to shape the future"

13: "Well said young ones, that is precisely why we after experiencing the capability of your quirks in active combat you will now begin to adjust to utilising them for non harmful purposes"

Natsu: "But isn't getting us to save lives dangerous after getting us fired up aye?"

Izumi: "That is the purpose of the exercise, if you are hazardous to society after combat then that means you are a liability to heroes overall"

Katsumi: "Duh you Flamingo brained Bunsen burner"


Katsumi: "You wanna GO!? LETS GO!"

*Natsu and Katsumi butting heads while Aizawa activates his quirk and pulls them apart*

Shota: "Exactly what we want to avoid, if your too volatile we will have to restrict you further if you cannot discipline yourselves"

13: "Now lets get started shall we?"

*With the tone of her voice and movement of her helmet the students assume she has a bright smile as they hear a sound*

Teachers & Few Students: ?...!

*A black circle swirls in the middle of the plaza by the fountain, suspended in the air slowly enlarging as a severed hand falls out of the now formed portal, sending chills down the spines of the children*

Now Everyone: !!!!!!!!

???: "Whoops, dropped sister"

*A Skinny looking man covered in hands smiles grimly while scratching at his collar made of hands*

*Eraserhead equips his goggles as the portal now expands rapidly as multiple ominously dressed individuals pour out onto the tiled floor of the plaza*

Tenya: "What are you doing?! This is private property and you lot are trespassing"

Mina: "Look I do not mean to discriminate, and you sure aren't, but I am pretty sure these guys are bad news ya know"

Sijione: "Surprisingly unobservant of you Model Student"

*Thirteen gathers the students huddled in a circle*

Shota: "That is right, this is no joke, they are aware of what they are doing, these are...VILLAINS!"

???: "Hmm strange, there are two of the three expected here, where is All Might?"

*Aizawa visibly irks in shock momentarily at the living darkness' words*

Shota: (So there really was something going on with the wall breach yesterday)

'Hands': "ahhHHHH, after all the hard WORK we put in to gather so many of US here today he is a no show?"

*He sighs and groans audibly, irritatingly as if sandpaper scratches at his dry throat before his twitching and noises cease and an eerie silence occurs only to be broken by a terrible question*

'Hands': "..though...I wonder... Will he come to the rescue if we kill a few of the kids? Maybe a bunch of them?"

*Everyone clenches their bodies as they prepare to either fight or run to a fate they have no idea will change the course of their lives forever in a way they never expected*


(Promised 6 Before Unscheduled Hiatus making it an additional round up 4 weeks of chapters)

(1/10 Weeks Makeup Chapters Complete 11/07/2024)

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